


Status: Indexed


Voted to proceed to the choice of Officers.

The following persons were elected; viz.

Daniel Blaisdell Esq., President.
William Tenny, Vice President.
Stephen Chase, Secretary.
Joseph Emerson Jr., Treasurer.
Rev. C. B. Haddock DD.\
Col. T. D. Smith \
Prof. I. Young > Directors --
Alfred Morse Esq. /
Prof. S. G. Brown /

Voted to commend to the Directors, the subject of
an Address before the Association.

Voted, that this meeting be dissolved.

S. Chase, Secretary.

April 13. 1846.


The Association having failed to hold its annual meeting
for the present year, application was made to A. G. Brewster, Esquire,
a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton, to call a meeting;
in consequece of which application, he, the said A. G. Brewster Esquire issu-
ed his warrant requiring S. Chase, one of the petitioners, to warn a
meeting of this corporation. Which application & warrant were as
follows. (See file E.)

"To Augustus G. Brewster Esquire, a Justice of the Peace for the
County of Grafton.

The Subscribers, owners of one twentieth part of the
stock or property of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association, repre-
sent, that said Corporation has failed to hold its annual meeting
of the members of said Corporation, to be held at the Vestry in Hanover
on Monday, the 8th day of November next at seven o'clock, afternoon,
for the purpose of acting on the following subjects.

1st To choose a President, Vice President, Secretary, Teasurer,
& five Directors.

2d To see if said association will vote to make an assessment
on the shares for the purpose of improving the Cemetery -

3d To transact any other necessary business.

Hanover Octr 23, 1847. Danl Blaisdell
S. Chase

The State of New Hampshire

Grafton [?] To Stephen Chase of said Hanover;

Whereas application has been made to me Augustus G. Brewster
a Justice of the Peace for said County of Grafton, as above; You are,

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