therefore required to warn a meeting of said corporation, to be held at
the time & place, & for the purposes mentioned in said application, by
publishing a copy of said application, & of this warrant fourteen days,
in the same manner, as is provided for warning the annual meet-
ing of said corporation. And make return of this warrant at said
time & place of meeting. Dated the .
A. O. Brewster, Justice of the Peace."
Accompanying the aforesaid application & warrant, was the following return:
"I have, this day, published the within application for a meeting of the
Dartmouth Cemetery Association & warrant requiring me to warn
said meeting, by posting a copy of said application & warrant at the
Post Office in said Hanover at least fourteen days previous to the time
of this meeting.
S. Chase
Hanover .
The copy above mentioned, remained posted at the Post Office,
& was taken down by me, this evening, being the evening of the sd. meeting.
S. Chase."
A copy of the aforesaid application & warrant has also been
returned to the Secretary, with the following certificate.
"The within copy of application & warrant I have published
as directed fourteen days by posting it at the Post Office in said
Hanover, on the 23d day of October, & causing it to remain so posted
until the time of the said meeting.
S. Chase.
Hanover .
At a meeting holden at the time & place, & for the purpose mentioned
in the aforesaid application & warrant, & notified as above specified,
the President of the Association being in the Chair.
The following persons, being officers of the Association for the past year,
were re-elected for the current year. viz.
Daniel Blaisdale Esq. | President |
William Tenny | Vice President |
Stephen Chase | Secretary |
Joseph Emerson Jr. | Treasurer |
Rev. Dr. Haddock | |
Col. T. D. Smith | |
Prof. I. Young | Directors |
Alfred Morse Esq. | |
Prof. S. G. Brown |
Voted that the anenment be one dollar on a share.
Voted to appoint a Committee to divide the cemetery into
lots; & that the Committee be nominated by the Chair.
Dr. Richards, Profs. Brown & Young were nominated & appointed.
But, it having been understood that the division into lots belongs
properly to the Directors, it was voted
To reconsider the vote to appoint a Committee for that purpose.
Voted to adjourn til next Monday coming at 7 o'clock.
S. Chase, Secretary.
Hanover .
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