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therefore required to warn a meeting of said corporation, to be held at
the time & place, & for the purposes mentioned in said application, by
publishing a copy of said application, & of this warrant fourteen days,
in the same manner, as is provided for warning the annual meet-
ing of said corporation. And make return of this warrant at said
time & place of meeting. Dated the .

A. O. Brewster, Justice of the Peace."

Accompanying the aforesaid application & warrant, was the following return:
"I have, this day, published the within application for a meeting of the
Dartmouth Cemetery Association & warrant requiring me to warn
said meeting, by posting a copy of said application & warrant at the
Post Office in said Hanover at least fourteen days previous to the time
of this meeting.
S. Chase

Hanover .
The copy above mentioned, remained posted at the Post Office,
& was taken down by me, this evening, being the evening of the sd. meeting.
S. Chase."


A copy of the aforesaid application & warrant has also been
returned to the Secretary, with the following certificate.
"The within copy of application & warrant I have published
as directed fourteen days by posting it at the Post Office in said
Hanover, on the 23d day of October, & causing it to remain so posted
until the time of the said meeting.
S. Chase.

Hanover .


At a meeting holden at the time & place, & for the purpose mentioned
in the aforesaid application & warrant, & notified as above specified,
the President of the Association being in the Chair.
The following persons, being officers of the Association for the past year,
were re-elected for the current year. viz.

Daniel Blaisdale Esq. President
William Tenny Vice President
Stephen Chase Secretary
Joseph Emerson Jr. Treasurer
Rev. Dr. Haddock
Col. T. D. Smith
Prof. I. Young Directors
Alfred Morse Esq.
Prof. S. G. Brown
Voted that an anenment be laid for the purpose of improving the grounds.
Voted that the anenment be one dollar on a share.
Voted to appoint a Committee to divide the cemetery into
lots; & that the Committee be nominated by the Chair.
Dr. Richards, Profs. Brown & Young were nominated & appointed.
But, it having been understood that the division into lots belongs
properly to the Directors, it was voted
To reconsider the vote to appoint a Committee for that purpose.
Voted to adjourn til next Monday coming at 7 o'clock.
S. Chase, Secretary.

Hanover .

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