The Association met according to adjournment; the Presi-
dent in the chair. No business being proposed for formal action.
Voted to adjourn without day.
The meeting was accordingly dissolved.
S. Chase, Secretary
Agreeably to the provisions of the third article of the
Bylaws, the Annual Meeting of the Association was
holden on Monday, , at 7 o'clock P.M. having
been duly notified by the Secretary by posting up at the
Post Office in Hanover a suitable time before the said
meeting, the following notice: viz.
The Stockholders of the Dartmouth Cemetery Asso-
ciation are hereby notified that the annual meet-
ing of said Association]will be holden at the Vestry near
Dartmouth College on Monday, April 10, at 7 o'clock P. M.
S. Chase, Secretary
The President being out of town, Prof Brown was called to preside.
Voted to adjourn to Monday, .
S. Chase, Secretary
April 10. 1848.
Monday April 24. Met according to adjournment; the meeting
opened by the President.
Voted to adjourn to Monday .
S. Chase, Sec.
The Association met according to adjournment; the meeting
opened by the President.
Voted to adjourn to Monday
S. Chase, Sec.
May 1. 1848.
The Association met according to adjournment.
The Secretary being absent, A. O. Brewster was chosen Secretary
pro tem.
The report of the Directors was read (File C).
Voted to proceed to the choice of Officers.
The following persons were elected; viz.
Danial Blaisdell Esq. | President |
William Tenny | Vice President |
S. Chase | Secretary |
J. Emerson Jr. | Treasurer |
Rev. Dr. Haddock | |
Col. T. D. Smith | |
Rev. Dr. Richards | Directors. |
Alfred Morse Esq. | |
Prof. S. G. Brown |
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