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1859 At the Annual Meeting of the
Dartmouth Cemetery association, holden
at the time and place mentioned in the
foregoing application & warrant, the President ^Prof Brown
being in the chair. J. O. Dewey was chosen Secretary pro tem

The following persons were Elected as
follows, as officers of the association for the
Ensuing year.

Prof S. G. Brown President
E. D. Sanborn Vice Pres.
J. W. Patterson Secretary
J. O. Dewey Treasurer
William Dewey
J. S. Woodman Directors
Danl Blaisdell
A. B. Crosby
A P Balch

Voted to adjourn


J. O. Dewey
Secretary Pro tem.



June 7. 1859

The Dartmouth Cem-
etery Association
met at Prof
Brown's study.

The meeting was called
to order by the President, Prof. Brown

On motion of Prof. Sanborn
voted that an asseSsment of
one dollar be made upon the
Shareholders for the purpose
of making repairs upon the fence
& for other improvements, and
that a subscription paper be
circulated through the village
for the same purpose.

Voted that A. B. Crosby be
added to the Committee on

Voted that the President be
requested to confer with Prof Hub-
in relation to the re-
moval of the offensive seSs-pool
formed by the waste water
from his premises.

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William Dewey is wrong here. It should be William Tenney. (Dewey died in 1859)