Voted that Prof. Sanborn be a Com
mittee to make what repairs may
be necessary on the Tomb and
Voted that the Committee
on fences be instructed to make
such repairs as may be neces-
sary immediately.
Adjourned -
J W. Patterson
Hanover June 8. 1859.
Apr. 8. 1861}.
Agreeably to the provisions of
the third article of the By laws, the
Annual Meeting of the Dart. Cemetery
ASsociation was holden at the time and place
mentioned in the notice posted by the Secretary
at the Post Office Apr. 2. 1861 -
The meeting was called to
order by Prof. S. G. Brown - the President. The Secretary
being absent, J. A. Smith was chosen Secretary, Pro tem.
The following were then unanimously chosen
Officers for the year ensuing
Prof. S. G. Brown, President
Prof. C. A. Aiken, V. President
W. Tenney | |
J. S. Woodman | |
Danl Blaisdell | Directors |
A. B. Crosby | |
J. N. Putnam |
J. O. Dewey, Treasurer
Voted that the Treasurer
be instructed to make out the neceSsary
papers and collect the amount due for lots
taken up during the past year -
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