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Copy of a Deed from Mrs. Maria B. Furber,
to Dartmouth Cemetery Association.

Newton Center Mass.
To the Hanover Cemetery Association
of Hanover, New Hampshire:
I hereby give to the Hanover Cemetery Association
the sum of one hundred dollars, in trust, to apply the
income of the same, from time to time, annually, as may
be necessary for the care, preservation, and embellish-
ment of a lot and its appurtenances, situated in said
Hanover Cemetery, wherein is now buried the remains
of my late husband, Professor David Peabody, and to keep
the principal sum and all unexpend balances of annual
income safely invested in bonds registered bonds of
the United States. the principal of one hundred
dollars to be preserved and maintained intact, as
permanent fund, and the income only to be annually
expended. As may be necessary, to keep the lot and its
appurtenances substantially in their present con-
dition and desire the remainder be allowed to ac-
cumulate so as to provide for possible extraordinary
expenses, in repairs, in the future, or removal of the
monument and stones, and for such other changes
as may be necessary to maintain the lot and its
appurtenances in good condition and repair
forever. It being expressly understood and
conditioned, provided that the permanent fund of


one hundred dollars is always to be preserved and
maintained, and if by any misfortune it becomes
impaired it is to be made up by adding each year
at least one half of the annual income until the
principal shall be restored to the full amount of one
hundred dollars.

I have deposited the said sum of one hundred
dollars into the hands of Hon. Frederic Chase of Hanover N.H.
for this purpose, to be by him invested in a registered
United States bond, and turned over to your Treasurer,
if you accept the trust.

It is my wish that the fund shall remain
upon the same, or similar security, and that
no change of the investment be made without the
vote of your executive board, and the written
approval of the President of your association,
for the time being. and that the accumulations
as fast as they accrue shall be deposited in
the Dartmouth Savings Bank, for the purpose
of the trust, if it is solvent, otherwise in some
other solvent Savings Bank, and when a surplus
of sufficient amount shall have accumulated
beyond the general necessary expenditure
that it also be transferred to United States
Reged Registered Securities

I desire that no extraordinary expense nor
any change or removal of stones or
monument, or change in the general

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