



Status: Indexed


Hanover. N. H. .

In accordance with the foregoing
notice the annual meeting of the
Dartmouth Cemetery Association was
holden as warned.

The Pres. James W. Patterson, in the chair.

The following officers were elected
for the year ensuing.

James W. Patterson, Pres.
Henry E. Parker, Vice Pres.
Lucien B. Downing, Sect.
Samuel W. Cobb, Treas.

Edwin D. Sanborn,
Edwin R. Ruggles,
Samuel W. Cobb, Directors,
Carlton P. Frost,
Sauel P. Leeds,
Voted to adjourn,

L. B. Downing,


The Dartmouth Cemetery Association
having failed to hold its annual meeting
for the year 1882, application was
made for a legal meeting, as follows:

To Samuel W. Cobb,
a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton

The subscribers, owners of
one twentieth of the stock and property
of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association,
represent that said Corporation has failed
to hold its annual meeting for the
year 1882. They therefore request you
to call a meeting of said Corporation
to be holden at the Office of Frederic
Chase, in said Hanover, on Saturday
the at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, for the purpose of
acting upon the following subjects, viz:

1st To choose all necessary officers for the
year ensuing.

2nd To transact any other necessary business.

Hanover, N. H.

Fred Chase

L. B. Downing. A. B. Haskell. William T. Smith
E. D. Carpenter. J. Emerson. Amos B. Powers
Ira B. Allen. Jason Dudley. S. P. Leeds.

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