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It was also left with the Directors
to try and arrange with Luman
& secure a Carriage road
from the new road to the Cemetery.
using the six feet we now have
a half of said road.
The subject of enlarging the Dowl
Door was also left with Directors.

Voted to adjourn.
Hanover, N.H. L.B. Downing

The annual meeting of the Dartmouth
Cemetery Assocition
was held at the
Office of Frederic Chase . at 3 P.M.
The Pres. being absent Vice Pres. S. P. Leeds
occupied the chair.

The following Officers were elected for the
year ensuing.

Samuel H. Cobb Pres.
Samuel P. Leeds Vice Pres.
Edward R. Ruggles Treas.
Lucien B. Downing Sect.

Carlton P. Frost
Samuel H. Cobb
James W. Patterson Directors
Benjamin T. Blaufield
Frederic Chase

Carlton P. Frost, Supt.
Frederic Chase, Auditor

The Treaurers report was read and
accepted. The Treas. suggested the
desirability of increasing our per-
manent fund.

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