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Carlton P. Frost- Supt.-
Frederic Chase Auditor

C. H. Pettie was appointed financial
agent to collect funds, in subscriptions
of one Dollar each, for the care of Cem-
etery lots and other necessary work.

Voted, to recommit the matter of invest-
ment of funds of the Association to the
Treasurer and Fred. Chase.

Voted, that the Secretary make a report
of the meeting and of the financial stand-
ing of the Association for publication in
the Hanover Gazette.

Voted to adjourn

F. A. Sherman Sec.


Hanover N.H.

The annual meeting of the Dartmouth
Cemetery Association
was held at 3 P.M. this
day at the office of Hon F. Chase.

The meeting was called to order by the
Vice President (S. P. Leeds) The reports of
the Sec'y, Treas, & Supt. were read and

The officers chosen for the ensuing
year were as follows.

S. P. Leeds Pres.
J. W. Patterson Vice Pres.
F A. Sherman Sec'y
E R. Ruggles Treas.
F. A. Sherman Supt.

C. P. Frost
S. W. Cobb
J. W. Patterson Directors
F. A. Sherman
F. Chase
F. Chase Auditor

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