S. Chase, Secretary.
. The Directors met at Dr. Had-
dock's Study.
Voted, that the fence on the west & north side of
the present burying ground be removed to the South
side of the Cemetery.
Voted, that Dr. Haddock confer with Mrs.
Brewster, in regard to a hedge between her garden
& the present burying ground.
Voted, that the subject be referred to a Commit-
tee, to build a fence, at their discretion, & that the
Committee consist of Messrs. Chase, Smith & Jenny.
Voted, that Messrs. Haddock, Brown & Blaisdell
be a Committee on improvements; & that they be
instructed to mark out & report walks & passages.
The meeting was then dissolved.
S. Chase, Secretary.
April 13, 1846. The Directors met at Dr. Hadock's study.
A draft of a report from the Directors to the Association
was read by the Secretary, & adopted.
It was agreed to recommend the cultivation, for the
sake of laying down to grass, of some part of the grounds.
The meeting was then dissolved.
S. Chase, Secretary.
October 22, 1847. The Directors met at Dr. Haddock's
After conversation in respect to a meeting of the Associ-
ation, to fencing & laying out the grounds, adjourned
to Monday next, at 2 o'clock P.M., to meet at & proceed to the
Cemetery for a view of the ground, & consultation in regard
to improvements.
S. Chase, Secretary.
October 24, 1847. The Directors met according to adjourn-
ment, &, on account of the recent rain, voted to adjourn
without visiting the Cemetery.
S. Chase, Secretary.
November 13, 1847. The Directors met at the Cemetery.
Voted. That it is indispensable to a proper laying out &
use of the ground, that we haveprocure a portion of the College
land adjacent.
Voted. To lay out a carriage way, to extend from the College lane,
between the College lot, & Dr. Crosby's land, through the ravine,
to the southern boundary of the Cemetery.
Voted. To divide such parts of the ground, as may be judged
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