suitable for burial, into rectangular lots, by lines
running in an easterly & westerly direction, twenty thirty six
four feet apart, & by lines running in a northerly
& southerly direction twenty four feet apart;
reserving two feet on each side of the boundary lines
for a walk.
Voted. Also to reserve & lay out a walk along the Cemetery
fence, ten feet in width.
Voted. That portions of the ground, lying between any of the
avenues or walks, & the lots, too small for additional whole
lots, be annexed to the lots to which they are adjacent.
Voted. That Prof. Young, Col. Smith, & S. Chase be a com-
mittee to effect the division & laying out of the Cemetery, as
above determined.
Voted. That Maj. Tenny, & Mr. Morse be a committee to
move the fence on the west & north sides of the old burying
ground to the south side of the Cemetery.
Voted. That Dr. Haddock be a committee to renew
the request to the Trustees of the College for a grant of
land on the north.
Apl. 15
The Directors met, upon the call of the
chairman, at Prof Haddock's study.
Present, Ira Young, Stephen Chase,
William Tenney, Alfred More, T. D. Smith, S. G. Brown, & Chr. B Haddock.
Voted, that Professor Brown be request
ed to deliver the annual address
before the society.
Voted, that Major Tenney, Mr
Morse, & Prof Brown be a com-
mittee to examine the grounds with
reference to the removal of the
east fence & the purchase of ad-
ditional land of Prof Sanborn.
Voted, to adjourn to the day of
the adjourned meeting of the
society, at 2 O clock, to meet a-
gain at this place & where
the Annual Report prepared
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