for the Directors, by the Chair-
S. Chase, Secretary
April 24, 1848. The Directors met according to
adjournment. Present C. B. Haddock, I. Young,
S. G. Brown, J. Emerson Jr., W. Tenny, T. D. Smith,
& S. Chase.
Voted to adjourn to next Monday evening at
7 o'clock.
S. Chase, Secretary.
Oct 17, 1848. The Directors met on call of the Chair-
man, at Dr. Haddock's study. Present
C. B. Haddock, D. Blaisdell, W. Tenny, J. Richards,
A. More, S. G. Brown, J. Emerson Jr. & S. Chase.
Voted, that Dr. Haddock be a Committee to pro-
cure a title of land granted by the College.
Voted, that the former Committee on surveying
the ground be requested to complete the survey,
& division into lots, & that they be authorized
to employ such assistance as they may deem
Voted, that the Committee of Fence procure the erection
of a fence post & board fence on the line of the
College land.
Voted, that the expenses incurred by the Committee
on fencing in the work already accomplished be paid.
Voted, that Dr. Richards be added to the Com-
mittee on the division of the grounds.
Voted, to dissolve the meeting.
S. Chase, Secretary
June 12, 1849. The Directors met upon the
call of the chairman, at Dr. Haddock's
study. Present D. Blaisdell, C. B. Haddock,
S. G. Brown, W. Tenny, A. Morse, J. Emerson Jr.,
J. D. Smith, J. Richards, & S. Chase.
Voted, that the Treasurer pay E. Hodges Ten
Dollars, for the survey of the ground.
Voted, that Dr. Richards be a Committee to
correspond with a stone cutter at Claremont,
in regard to procuring stone boundaries for the
Also, that Dr. Richards with the President &
chairman be a Committee to procure the
stones, if they deem it expedient.
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