Hanover Cemetery/ Dartmouth Cemetery Association Journals



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Mr. Frederic P. Lord Dartmouth Cemetery Association Hanover, N.H.

Dear Sir:

We are in receipt of your letter of and beg to advise that we find no record of any corporation by the name of Dartmouth Cemetery Association located in Hanover, N.H.

Very truly yours, Enoch D Fuller Secretary of State

Last edit over 2 years ago by August White Guszkowski
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Last edit almost 2 years ago by CarolynR
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RECTO: 1 Articles of Association

We the subscribers do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together, to provide, hold and keep in repair suitable grounds & other conveniences for the burial of the dead in Hanover in the County of Grafton & State of New Hampshire, agreeably to the provisions of Chapter 145th of the Revised Statutes. And for that purpose, do adopt the following Articles, specifying the object of the Association & the conditions on which it is formed.

Article 1. This Association shall be known and called by the name of "the Dartmouth Cemetery Association".

Article 2. The object of this Association is to provide, hold, & keep in repair suitable grounds and other conveniences in the vicinity of Dartmouth College for the burial of the dead, and for that purpose, to purchase and im prove the whole or a part of the parcel of land now owned by Prof. Alpheus Crosby, and lately owned by John S. Cram Esqr lying westerly and northerly of the present burying ground, and [[implore]] said College - to improve said burying ground, and to procure such conveniences for the burial of the dead, as said Association may by vote designate.

Article 3. The Corporate property of this Association shall be divided into sixty shares of five dollars each. One half of each subscription for shares shall be paid at or before the first meeting, called as herein after provided and the other half on or before . The number of shares may be here

Last edit almost 2 years ago by CarolynR
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after increased by vote of the Association

Article 4. Assessments may be raised from time to time, provided that, in no case shall the assessments of any one year exceed fifty per cent on the original value of the shares.

Article 5. The first meeting of this Association shall be holden at the Vestry near Dartmouth College on the at seven o'clock afternoon, and public notices of the same shall be given by posting up notices thereof at the Post Office in said Hanover, and at said Vestry two days previous to said meeting.

Article 6. This Association may, from time to time, adopt such by-laws and regulations as may be thought expedient.

Article 7. The provisions of this Association shall not be binding unless forty shares are subscribed on or before the day of holding the first meeting.

Article 8. In case of the dissolution of this Association, the lands purchased for the purposes of the Cemetery shall remain perpetually dedicated for the burial of the dead.


Wm H. Duncan 5 . 33 Two Shares Chr. B. Haddock 38 40 . 27 Two Shares
Samuel Long 6 One Share Danl Blaisdell 38 . 42 Two Shares
Joseph Emerson Jr. 30 One Share Ira Young 10 . 8 Two Shares
William Tenny 18 One Share Timo. Dwight Smith 32 One Share
John Demman 22 One Share Jabez A. Douglas 28 One Share
Salmon Dow 9 One Share L. P. Morton 16 One Share
S. L. G. Chamberlain [14] One Share Alfred Morse 35 One Share
A. P. Webster 26 One Share S. G. Brown 20 One Share

Dixi Crosby 15 . 12 Two Shares
Aphhs Crosby 13 Three Shares 37 . 31 . 17
N. Lord 13 Two Shares .2
M. B. Peabody 19 Two Shares .23
E. R. Peaslee 25 One Share
E. D. Sanborn 3 One Share
William Pardee 41 One Share
Tho. P. Hile 17 One Share
Susan B. Brewster 39 Two Shares 39 . 20
Jonathan Freeman 161/2 One Share
Horace Frary 36 One Share
S. Chase 11 One Share
F. A. Haines 21 One Share
E. K. Smith 34 One Share
John Richards 18 One Share
A. P. Balch 4 One Share
R. Shurtleff 1 . 19 Two Shares
W. A. Ruggles 29 One Share
A. B. Closson 24 One Share
J. N. Putnam One Share
Wm Coffey One Share
JB Torricelli One Share
I. Otis Dewey One Share
Last edit almost 2 years ago by CarolynR
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