1. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and Five Directors, who, together, shall constitute a Board for the transaction of the business of the Association: five shall form a quorum: and they shall hold their offices for one year, or until others are appointed in their places.
2. The Board of Directors shall superintend all improvements in the grounds appropriated to the Cemetery; shall divide the cemetery into lots, shall, under the direction of the Association, assign a lot to each share; shall select the places of interment for persons not interested in a particular lot; shall cause each lot to be numbered, and a plan of the whole cemetery made out; shall collect and appropriate all assessments ordered by the Association; shall cause the acts of the Directors, and all burials to be recorded in separate Books by the Secretary; and shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in the offices of tha Association.
3. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Association, on the second Monday of April, and such other meetings as the Directors may, from time to time, call. At the annual meeting the Officers of the Society shall
be elected, the annual Report of the Directors read, and any other business pertaining to the objects of the Association transacted. Meetings of the Association shall be duly notified by the Secretary.
Amendments Art 3 was amendeded so as to allow the annual meeting to be held any day in April except Sunday
Voted to amend the By Laws so as to require the election of an Auditor
Agreeably to notice previously given a number of the citizens of Hanover met at the Vestry belonging to the Congregational Church, to consider the subject of enlarging & the Cemetery in this village.
Dr. Crosby was called the Chair, & S. Chase was chosen Secretary.
Prof. Brown made some remarks on the object of the meeting, &, at his suggestion, & by request of the Chairman, Mr. Blaisdell read a form of Articles of Association.
After some discussion & free conversation, it was voted to refer the Articles of Association to a Committee for revision, which Committee should also draft a code of By-laws, procure signatures to the Articles of Association, & call another meeting, at such time as they should deem expedient.
Voted, that this Committee should be appointed by the Chair.
The Chairman named Dr. Haddock, Prof. Brown, & D. Blaisdell Esq.
The meeting was then dissolved.
S. Chase, Secretary
Agreeably to the provisions of the fifth of the Articles of Association, the first meeting of the Society was called by posting up at the Post Office, & at the Vestry, at least two days previous to the tim of said meeting, notice thereof, as follows, viz.
The Stockholders of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association are hereby notified that the first meeting of said Association will be holden at the Vestry near Dartmouth College on Friday Oct. 17 at 7 o'clock P.M.
Chs. B. Haddock Chairman of the Committee
At the meeting holden in pursuance of the above notice, at the Vestry near Dartmouth College October 17th, at 7 o'clock P.M., Rev. Dr. Haddock was called to the Chair, & S. Chase was requested to serve as Secretary of the meeting.
It was stated by the Chairman, that the requisite ^number of shares had been subscribed according to the provision of the seventh of the Articles of Association.
The Articles of Association were then read by the Chairman, & also the notice for the first meeting.
A code of By-Laws was then read, & after some discussion & amendment, was adopted, as follow, viz.