Hanover Cemetery/ Dartmouth Cemetery Association Journals



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Agreeably to the provision of the third article of the Bylaws, the annual meeting of the Association was holden on Monday, at 7 o'clock P.M, having been duly notified by the Secretary by posting up at the Post Office in Hanover, a suitable time before the said meeting, the following notice; viz.

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association will be holden at the Vestry near Dartmouth College on Monday, the 9th day of April, at 7 o'clock P.M.

S. Chase, Secretary.

The President & Vice President being absent, Dr. Haddock was called to preside.

The report of the Directors was made by the Chairman of the Board, & was accepted.

Voted to proceed to the choice of Officers.

The following persons were elected; viz.

Daniel Blaisdell President
William Tenny Vice President
S. Chase Secretary
J. Emerson Treasurer
C. B. Haddock
T. D. Smith Directors
J. Richards
A. Morse
S. G. Brown


The meeting was then dissolved.

S. Chase, Secretary April 9th 1849.

At a special meeting of the Association, called by the Directors, & duly notified by the secretary, holden on Tuesday, , at 9 o'clock A.M. lots were drawn for right of choice of place in the Cemetery.

Voted, that choice be made on or before Saturday, , & that any who fail to choose by that time, shall lose the right to choose in their order.

Voted, that a carriage way be laid out down the ravine from Mr. Olcott's monument.

Voted, that a square, not to exceed nine lots, be left open, near the junction of the carriage way, in the bottom of the ravine.

Voted, to adjourn till Saturday, July 14th at 9 o'clock A.M. S Chase, Secretary July 3, 1849

The Association met according to adjournment.

Voted to adjourn till this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

S. Chase, Secretary July 14, 1849.

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR
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The association met according to adjournment.

The order of choice having been determined by lot + by vote of the Association at the meeting of July 3d, the Stockholders made choice of their lots as follows, viz.

Rev. Dr. Shurtleff Nos. 53 & 64; (Salmon Dow)
Rev. Dr. Lord, '' 49-50, & 121;
Prof. E. D. Sanborn, " 60-61; O.+ E.W. Cantor. one
Mr. A. P. Balch, " 52:
J. Dansmore
W. H. Duncan Esq., " 48. two?
[Dec]. S. Long " 54;
Prof. I. Young " 231-2, 214-5; 2 J.S. Woodman 1 Mrs. Abbot + [I.M.W.]
Prof. S. Chase " 72;
Dr. D. Crosby " 83, 94;
Mrs. S. L. G. Chamberlain " 106;
J. Freeman Esq. " 246;
Dr. T. P. Hill " 131;
W. Tenny Esq. " 195;
Prof. A. Crosby. " (1 1 [unreadable]) 179 . 340
Rev. Dr. Richards " 124;
Mrs. M. B. Peabody " 65 & 148; E. D. Carpenter
5.9.[10]. Mr. F. A. Haines " 76;
Mr. A. B. Closson " 75-5;
Dr. E. R. Peaslee " 164 1/2;
Prof. C. B. Haddock " 97 & 109;
Mr. E. K. Smith " 85-86;


D. Blaisdell Esq. Nos. 142 & 158;
Prof. J. M. Putnam " [+ 138,3]
Jos. Emerson Jr.
Salmon Dow 53 + 64,- of R. Shurtleff.
Acksah P. Webster
Levi P. Morton
Alfred Morse
Wm Pardee
Susan B Brewster never paid -
Horace Frary
T. Dwight Smith
Prof. J. S. Woodman (2) #214-215 of Prof. Young
Prof. Alpheus Crosby " (118 & 135). 129. 340
Prof. S. G. Brown [milton Ag in Intac]
Prof. J. W. Patterson 121
J. A. Smith 110
Ira B. Allen 156
N. G. Turner 233 Coffin?
Fred Bergeron 234 Cartens.
Geo. Sanborn 247
Saml W. Cobb 199
R. S. Carwell 304
Mrs. Abbot 231 + Aldrich 232 23 of Mrs. Young
C. A. Aiken 183
J. O. Dewey 108
L. Boutwell 87
E. D. Carpender 65 & 148 of [Mrs Frasby]
John Worman 51
Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR
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Agreeably to the provisions of the third article of the Bylaws, the annual meeting of the association was holden on Monday, , at 7 o'clock P.M., having been duly notified by the Secretary, by posting up at the Post Office in Hanover, a suitable time before the said meeting, the following notice, viz.

Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association will be holden at the Vestry near Dartmouth College, on Monday, the 8th day of April, at 7 o'clock P.M.

S Chase, Secretary

The meeting was adjourned till Monday, at 7 o'clock P.M.

S. Chase, Secretary

April 8 , 1850.

The Association met according to adjournment.

The meeting was called to order by the President.

Voted to proceed to the choice of Officers.

The following persons were elected, viz.

Daniel Blaisdell Vice President;
William Tenny V Vice President;
Stephen Chase Secretary;
Joseph Emerson Jr. Treasurer;
Charles B. Haddock.
T. D. Smith.
Alfred Morse Directors.
John Richards.
Sam'l. G. Brown.
Mr. Blaisdell declined serving longer as President; &, on motion, William H Duncan Esq. was elected President.

Rev. Dr. Richards made a report on behalf of the Directors.

Voted to anen a tax of fifty cents on a share.

Voted to allow William Coffey a share, in payment of Five Dollars of his bill against the Association.

Voted, that the price of the shares be six dollars each-

Voted to accept the grant of land from the College, & to assign a lot or lots for the use of the College.

The meeting was then dissolved-

S. Chase, Secretary April 29, 1850

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR
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The Association having failed to hold its annual meeting for the current year, application was made to A. O. Brewster Esq., a Justice of the Peace, for the County of Grafton Co to call a meeting; in consequence of which application he, the said A. O. Brewster Esq. issued his warrant requiring John Richards, one of the petitioners to warn a meeting of this corporation, which application & warrant was as follows viz.

To Augustus O. Brewster Esquire a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton

The subscribers owners of one twentieth part of the stock & property of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association, represent that said Corporation has failed to hold its annual meeting for the present year. They therefore request you to call a meeting of the Members of said Corporation to be held at the Vestry in said Hanover on Saturday the twenty first day of June next at two o'clock in the afternoon for purposes of acting on the following subjects

1. To choose a Moderator to preside in sd meeting

2. To choose a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer & five Directors

3. To see if sd Asso. will vote to make an assessment on the shares for the purpose of improving the Cemetery

4. To transact any other necessary business

Last edit about 2 years ago by Samara Cary
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John Richards Danl Blaisdell E D Sanborn

[Seal] The State of New Hampshire

Grafton Ss

sd John Richards of said Hanover Whereas application has been made to me Augustus O Brewster a Justice of the Peace for sd County of Grafton as above

You are therefore required to warn a meeting of sd corporation to be held at the time & place & for the purpose mentioned in the foregoing sd application, by publishing a copy of sd application and warrant four teen days in the same manner as is provided for warning the annual meeting of sd corporation

And make return of this warrant at sd time & place of meeting

Dated the 7th day of June 1851

A O Brewster Justice of the Peace

On the foregoing was endorsed the following


"Then, June 7, 1851, and there, in the Post Office, was posted a true copy of the foregoing, by me

John Richards

Hanover June 7, 1851

The copy above mentioned remained> posted at the Post Office and was taken down by me, this evening day being the day of the sd meeting

John Richards


A copy of the aforesaid application & warrant has been returned to the Secretary Directors (the Secretary having been removed by death) with the following certificate

"The within copy of appplication & warrant I have published as directed fourteen days by posting it at the Post Office in said Hanover on this 7th day of June & causing it to remain posted till this time of said meeting

John Richards

Hanover June 21, 1851

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 210 in total