To the members of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association:
You are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting of said Association will be held in the Vestry of the First Congregational Society on Saturday the 29th day of Sept. A.D. 1917 at 7-30 o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects Viz: First, to choose a member of the Board of of Commissioners for the ensuing years. 2nd. To choose a President, Vice President, a Cllerk and Treasurer, for the yeats ensuing. 3rd. To transact any other necessary business.
Hanover Center N.H. John O. Gale, President Asa W. Fellows, Clerk A true copy of notice, Attest Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
Hanover Center N.H. The Association met agreeably to the foregoing notice, and was called to order by the President, John O. Gale. Voted and made choice of Asa W. Fellows for commissions for three years. Voted and made choice of John O. Gale for President, Voted and made choice of Wm. J. Boyd for Vice President. Voted and made choice of Wm. J. Boyd for Vice President. Voted and made choice of Asa W. Fellows for Clerk. Voted and made choice of Hattie P. Barnes for Treasurer. Voted to adjourn, Asa W. Fellows, Clerk A true record attest, Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
Verso: Notice To the members of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association.
You are herby notified that the annual meeting of said association will be held in the Vestry of the First Congregational Society Saturday the 28th day of Sept. A.D. 1918 at 7-30 o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects. Vis:
1st: To chose a member of the Board of Com= Missions for the ensuing three years. 2nd: To choose a President, Vice President, Clerk and a Treasurer for the ensuing year. 3rd: To transact any other necessary business. Hanover Center N.H. John O. Gale, President Asa W. Fellows, Clerk A true copy of Notice, Attest Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
Hanover Center N.H.
The Association met agreeably to the foregoing notice, and was called to order by the President, John O. Gale.
Voted and made choice Millard G. Hurlbutt for Commissioner fo the ensuing three years. Voted and made choice of John O. Gale for President. Voted and made choice of Wm. G. Boyd for Vice President. Voted and made choice for Asa W. Fellows for Clerk. Voted and made choice of Hallie P. Barnes for Treasurer.
On motion voted to adjourn. Asa W. Fellows, Clerk A true record. Attest. Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
To the members of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association.
You are hereby notified that the Annual meeting of said association will be held in the Vestry of the First Congregational Society of Hanover Center N.H. on Saturday Sept. 2nd at 7-30 o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects: Vis:
1st: To choose a member of the Board of Commissioners for the ensuing three years. 2nd: To choose all the necessary officers for the ensuing years. 3rd: To transact any other necessary business. Hanover Center N.H. John O. Gale, Pres. Asa W. Fellows, Clerk Copy of notice Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
The following officials were reelected for the ensuing year.
Members of the Board of Commissioners for three years, Herbert W. Barnes For President, John O. Gale. " Vice President William G. Boyd " Clerk Asa W. Fellows " Treasurer Hattie P. Barnes
Voted to adjourn Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
To the members of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association;
You are hereby notified to meet at the Vestry of the First Congregational Society at Hanover Center, N.H. on Tuesday the 28th day of Sept. A.D. 1920 at 7-30 o'clock P.M. to act upon the following subjects, Viz 1st. To choose a member of the board of Commissioners for the ensuing three years. 2nd. To choose all other necessary officers for the ensuing year. 3rd. To transact any other necessary business.
Hanover Center, N. H. John O. Gale , President
Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
A true copy of Notice, Attest Asa W. Fellows
The Association met agreeably to the foregoing notice and was called to order by the President John O. Gale.
Voted and made choice of Asa W. Fellows as a member of the board of commissioners for the ensuing three years. Voted and made choice of John O. Gale as President Voted and made choice of Wm. J. Boyd for Vice President. Voted and made choice of Asa W. Fellows as Clerk. Voted and made choice of Hattie P. Barnes as Treasurer. The Treasurer reported $85.26, in the Treasury.
Voted to adjourn Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
Notice: To the members of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association: You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of said association will be held in the Vestry of the First Congregational Society on Friday the 30th day of Sept. 1921 at 7-30 o'clock to act upon the following subjects:
1st: To choose a member of the board of Commissioners for the ensing three years. 2nd: To choose a President, a Vice President, a Clerk and a Treasurer, for the ensuing year. 3rd: To transact any other necessary business. Hanover Center N.H. John O. Gale, President Asa W. Fellows, Clerk A true copy. Attest Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
103 Recto:
The Association met agreeably to the foregoing notice and was called to order by the President John O. Gale. Noted and made choice of Millard G. Hurlbutt as member of the board of commissioners for the ensuing three years.
Voted and made choice of John O. Gale for President, Voted and made choice of Wm. J. Boyed for Vice President, Voted and made choice of Asa W. Fellows for Clerk, Voted and made choice of Hattie P. Barnes for Treasurer. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted. Voted to adjourn Asa W. Fellows, Clerk