Verso: Notice,
To the members of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association; You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the said association will be held in the Chapel of the First Congregatioal Society at Hanover Center N.H. on Wednesday the 27th day of Sept. 1922 at 7-30 P.M. for action upon the following subjects:
1st To chose all necessary officers of the Association. 2nd To hear the reports of the Commissioners and Treasurer, and to act thereon, 3rd To act upon any other business that may properly come before the Association.
John O. Gale, President Asa W. Fellows, Clerk A true copy of notice. Attest. Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
Hanover Center N. H. The association met agreeably to the foregoing notice and was called to order by the President John O. Gale. Proceeded to the choice of officers.
Voted and made choice of William G. Boyd for Commissioner for three years. Voted and made choice of John O. Gale as President; Voted and made choice of William G. Boyd for Vice President; Voted and made choice of Asa W. Fellows for Clerk and Treasurer. The treasurer reported $91.24 in the treasury, besides a year's interest on $89.00 due from the bank.
The Treasurer's report was accepted and adopted. Noted: That the Commissioners be authorized to paint the Cemetery fence if they thought best. Voted to adjourn A true record. Attest Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
Verso: 106 blank page
To the members of the Hanover Center, N.H. Cemetery Association.
You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the said Association will be held in the Chapel of the First Congregational Society of Hanover Center N.H. on Saturday the 27th day of Sept. 1924 at 7-30 0'clock P.M. for action upon the following subjects:
1st To choose all necessary officers of the Association 2nd To hear the report of the Commissioners and Treasurer and act thereon. 3rd To act upon any other business that may properly come before the Association. Hanover Center N.H. Sept. 13, 1924 John O. Gale, President Asa W. Fellows, Clerk
108 (109 Blank)
The Annual meeting of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association was held in the Vestry,
Meeting called to order by the President.
W.J. Boyd was elected Clerk Protem Under Article 1st. the present board of officers were re-elected for the ensuing year, Article 2nd. The Commissioners and Treas. had no report to make. Article 3rd. Discussion of the Primeo fund took place and James Spencer and Katherine Spencer were appointed to look the matter up, and report at a later meeting. Voted to adjoun subject to the call of the President. W. J. Boyd. Clerk. Protem
VERSO 110 Notice. To the members of the Hanover Center Cemetery Association:- You are hereby notified to meet at the vestry of the First Congregational Church at Hanover Center on the at 7:30 P.M. to act on the following subjects viz: 1st. To hear reports of all officers. 2nd. To elect all officers for the ensuing year. 3rd. To see what action shall be taken in regard to repairing the Cemetery. 4th. To see what action shall be taken in regard to amending the bylaws. 5th. To transact any other business that may come before this meeting. J. B. Gale Pres. . W. J. Boyd Com. A true copy. H. F. Derby, Clerk
RECTO: 115 Hanover Center N.H. The association met in accordance with the foregoing notice. called to order by the President J. B. Gale and proceeded to the following business. Voted that C. E. Thompson, J. A. Humiston and Mr. + Mrs. H. F. Derby be accepted as members. Under Art. 2. Elected James Spencer and J. A. Humiston commissioners for one year. Elected H. F. Derby Clerk and Mrs. H. F. Derby Treas. Under Art. 3. Voted that the repairing of the cemetery be left with the commissioners. Under Art 4. Voted that the notice of the meeting be posted in the vestry and in the local paper. Under Art 5. Voted that the commissioners be authorized to request that markers be put up when