At a meeting holden at the time and place & for the purposes mentioned in the aforesaid application & warrant & notified as above specified, Prof. Saml G. Brown a Director being in the was chosen Chairman of said meeting
The following persons were chosen officers of the Association for the year ending viz
Prof. Saml G Brown | Pres. |
Prof. E D Sanborn | V. Pres. |
Rev J Richards DD | Sec. |
Jos. Emerson Jr | Treas. |
Prof Ira Young | |
Maj. Wm Tenney | |
Prof. Jos. Woodman | Directors |
Danl Blaisdell Esp |
Voted, thanks to Prof. Sanborn for his liberality in consenting to the removal of the Eastern fence involving a contribution of land on his part, and labor in completing the erection of said fence
Voted that it is desirable that an addreSs be delivered at each annual meeting on some subject appropriate to the objects of this aSsociation & that it be referred to the Directors
Voted to have a receSs, while the Subscribers for building the tomb & hearse - house hold their Meeting, being duly notified to meet at this time and place.
[The subscribers for building the tomb and hearse house, having been duly notified by a printed circular sent to each subscriber, organized their meeting by choosing Prof. Ira Young, Chair man and Rev. John Richards Secretary
Mr Jos. G. Ward of the building Committee made a report; from which it appeared that the tomb & hearse house had been built according to contract at an expense of $209.87; that the committee had received in cash and labor from Subscribers $207.47 and that there were $4. on the subscription yet uncollected.
On motion, Voted that the report be accepted.
On motion of Jos. G. Ward, Voted that the tomb and hearse house be made over
to the Dart. Cemetery Association.
On motion of Jos. G. Ward, Voted that this Association (for building the tomb and hearse house) be diSsolved.
Attest John Richards Secretary]
After recess, the Cemetery Association resumed their session
Rev John Richards read a report in behalf of the Directors which was accepted and ordered to be put on file.
Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday June 30. at 8 P.M.
Attest John Richards Secretary
} Met at the Vestry according to adjournment. The President, Prof. S. G. Brown took 1 chair
Voted that the ASsociation formally accept the grant of the tomb and hearse house made on the 21st [Wt]. by that ASsociation
Voted that the following By-laws for the regula tion of the Tomb & Hearse House be adopted for One Year.
1st The key of the tomb shall be deposited with the Treasurer; at whose discretion the tomb may be opened for burial & for inspection by friends of the deceased
2 Bodies deposited in the tomb shall be removed and removed and interred before the 15th of May. If the friends of the deceased fail to comply with this rule the Directors shall have power to make the necessary interments
3 Bodies may be interr deposited in the tomb when desired from the 15th of of May to the 15th of October provided the friends of the deceased pledge themselves to remove 1 body in ten days (except by special permission of the Directors for a longer time) & in violation of this rule the Directors shall inter
4 There shall be appointed annually by the Directors a suitable person to take charge of the hearse & hearse house to whom all applications shall be made for the use of the hearse at rates fixed by the Directors
5 Persons living more than one mile from the Village and not belonging to either of the Religious Societies of the Village may have the use of the hearse by paying a reasonable compensation
6 The Directors shall inspect the tomb & hearse house once in three months & report at the Annual Meeting
Note. The tomb was built by a voluntary subscription of nearly all the citizens of this Village, for a common receiving tomb in winter months, when the snow and frost render it difficult to bury in the Cemetery. The Hearse was procured by voluntary subscription some some six years ago and is still property of 1 original subscriber.
Voted to make a further ASseSsment of fifty cents a share, making one dollar for the year,
Voted, that the thanks of the ASsociation be presented to the Trustees of Dart. College
for the grant of a piece of land on the North of the Cemetery for the purpose of getting acceSs to the North table land.
Voted that Prof. Young & Sanborn be a Committee to confer with the Committee of the Trustees (MeSSrs Dr Lord & D. Blaisdell) concerning the aSsignment of a lot or lots in the Cemetery for the use of the College.
Voted, to pay Prof. Sanborn for completing the erection of the fence on the Eastern side of 1 Cemetery
Voted to adjourn without day.
Attest John Richards
. At a meeting of the Directors held this day at Prof. Sanborn's study
Voted that Mr J. Emerson Jr be requested to collect the tax of $1. per share & the other dues. Mr Emerson accepted.
Voted that the Treasurer employ a suitable person to take charge of the hearse house and hearse, to render his services
at funerals, and to prescribe the compensation of One dollar for one burial
(It is understood that when the hearse is used by people out of the village & by persons not belonging to either of the Relig ious Societies, such use shall be paid to the Treasurer at the customary rates for carriages per mile).
Voted that there be appropriated to the use of Dartmouth College in perpetuity twelve lots Thirty two by twenty four feet each, constituting a square, lying on the North table land and bounded on the South by a line straight line between the stones No. 22 & 36, and that a deed of conveyance be given to the Treasurer of Dart. College, where he shall give to the Association a deed of the land granted by the College adjoining the Cemetery North, containing about One acre.
Attest John Richards Secretary
Copy - see file.
"The undersigned, original subscribers for purchasing the Hearse now commonly used for burial on Hanover Plain do hereby make over our right and title to said Hearse to the Dartmouth Cemetery Association on condition that said Hearse continue to be appropriated to the common use of the citizens of Hanover Plain for burial.
J. G. Ward Monroe Pike Jabez Douglass A B Closson Russell Smith Asa Brown Wm H Poole Willis Kinsman G W Kibling Jason Dudley J S Patch S. H Tracy"
The Treasurer appointed Madison Aldridge to take charge of the hearse-house & hearse from Jan 1. 1852
Attest, J Richards Sec.
Annual Meeting 1852}
- The annual meeting having failed this year thru' the sickness & absence of the Sicretary, application for a [sequel] meeting was made as follows.
To Danl Blaisdell Esq a Justice of the Peace for Grafton County
The subscribers, owners of one twentieth part of the stock & property of the Dart. Cemetery Association represent that said Corporation has failed to hold its annual meeting for the present year. They therefore request you to call a meeting of the members of said Corporation to be held at the Vestry in said Hanover on Monday the eleventh day of October next at two o clock in the afternoon for the purpose of acting on the following subjects viz.
1 To Choose a Moderator
2 To Choose a President Vice President & Secretary and five Directors
3 To transact any other necessary business
Hanover Sept 27, 1852
John Richards Tho. P Hill Jos. Emerson Jr.
[Seal] The State of New Hampshire Grafton SS.
To John Richards of said Hanover,
Whereas application has application has been made to me Danl Blaisdell a Justice of the Peace for Grafton County as above,
You are required to warn a meeting of said Corporation to be held at the time and place & for the purposes mentioned in said application by publishing a copy of said application & warrant fourteen days in the same manner as is provided for warning the annual meeting of said Corporation
And make return of this warrant at said time & place of meeting
Dated the 27th day of September 1852
Daniel Blaisdell Justice of the Peace