Hanover Cemetery/ Dartmouth Cemetery Association Journals






In accordance with the foregoing call a meeting of the association was holden at the Vestry Oct 11, 1852 at 2 o clock P M. On motion of the Secretary Rev. President Lord was chosen Moderator

The following persons were then chosen as Officers for the year viz

Prof. Saml G. Brown Pres Prof. E. D Sanborn V. Pres Rev J Richards D D Sec. Jos. Emerson Jr Treas Prof. John S. Woodman } Prof. Ira Young } Maj. Wm Tenney } Directors Danl Blaisdell Esq } E R Peaselee M. D.}

No other burials being presented the Society adjourned

Attest John Richards Sec


Annual Meeting 1853


The annual meeting of the Dart. Cemetery Association will be holden on the Eleventh day (Monday) of Apl next, at the Vestry at Two o'clock P. M

1 To choose a Moderator

2 To elect officers for the ensuing year

3 To transact any other necessary business

John Richards Secretary"

Hanover Mar. 29. 1853

The above Notice was posted in the Post Office the required time. In accordance, a meeting of the Association was holden at the Vestry Apl 11, 1853, and on motion of the Secretary Prof. S. G. Brown was appointed Moderator. The Officers of the year preceding were reelected & no other busineSs being presented the Society adjourned

Attest John Richards Sec.

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR



Annual Meeting 1854


The annual Meeting of the Dartmouth Cemetery will be holden on the tenth day (Monday) of April at the Vestry at Two o'clock P.M

1 To choose a moderator

2 To elect Officers for the ensuing year

3 To transact any other business

John Richards Hanover Apl 3, 1854 Secretary

The above notice was posted in the Post Office the required time. In accordance the Association held its annual meeting at the vestry Apl 10th at 2 o'clock P.M. On motion of Prof. ED Sanborn Prof Ira Young was appointed Moderator. The Officers of the preceding year were reelected and there being no other busineSs the Society adjourned Attest

John Richards Secretary

Hanover Ap. 10. 1854


The Association having failed to hold its annual meeting for the present year, application was made to Wm H Duncan Esq. a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton to call a meeting: in consequence of which application he the said Wm H Duncan Esq issued his warrant requiring John Richards one of the petitioners to warn a meeting of said Corporation which application & warrant is as follows (see file F)

To Wm H Duncan Esq a Justice of the Peace for Grafton Co

The subcribers owners of one twentieth part of the stock and property of the Dart. Cemetery association represent that said corporation has failed to hold its annual meeting for the present year. They therefore request you to call a meeting of said corporation to be held at Vestry of said Hanover the seventh day of May next at two o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of acting on the following subjects to wit, 1 to choose a Moderator, 2 to choose a President Vice President Secretary and five Directors, 3 to transact any other necessary business

Hanover Apl 23, 1855

John Richards J O Dewey Tho S. Woodman

Last edit about 2 years ago by Samara Cary



State of New Hampshire

Grafton SS

To John Richards of said Hanover

Whereas application has been to me Wm H Duncan a Justice of the Peace for Grafton as above

You are required to warn a meeting of sd Corporation to be held at the time & place and for the purposes mentioned in said application by publishing a copy of said application and warrant fourteen days in the same manner as is provided for warning the annual meeting of said Corporation.

And make return of this warrant at said time & place of meeting - Dated 23 day of April 1855 Wm H Duncan Jus Peace

In accordance with the aforesaid applica tion and warrant the following return was made

"I have this day published the application for a meeting of the Dart. Cemetery Association and warrant requiring me to warn said meeting by posting a copy of said application and warrant at the Post Office at least fourteen days previous to said the time of said meeting

John Richards

Hanover Apl 23d 1855


The copy above mentioned remained posted at the Post Office and was taken down by me this day

Hanover May 7, 1855

At a meeting holden at the time and place mentioned in the aforesaid application & warrant and notified as above stated, the President of the Association being in the chair,

The following persons were elected Officers of the Association for the current year

Prof. Saml G Brown Pres.
Prof. ED Sanborn V Pres
Rev J Richards DD Sec
Prof J S Woodman Treas.
Prof Ira Young
Maj. Wm Tenny
Danl Blaisdell Directors
Prof ER Peaselee
Prof JS Woodman
Voted to assess a tax of fifty cents on each Share for repairing fences

The meeting was then dissolved


John Richards Secretary

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR



1856 Apl 14.

The Annual Meeting of the Dart. Cemetery ASsociation was holden this day at the Vestry agreeably to the following notice which had been posted in the Post Office the required time


The annual meeting of the Dartmouth Cemetery ASsociation will be holden on the fourteenth day (Monday) of April at the Vestry at Two o'clock, P.M.

1 To choose a Moderator

2 To elect Officers for the year

3 To transact any other busineSs

John Richards Hanover Mar. 24. 1856 Secretary

Prof. S. G. Brown was chosen Moderator

The following Officers were elected viz

Saml G Brown Pres.
E. D Sanborn V. Pres
J. Richards Sec.
J. Otis Dewey Treas
Ira Young
Wm Tenney
D Blaisdell Directors
E R Peaselee
J Otis Dewey

Voted that a tax of fifty cents be assessed on each share for building fences

On Motion the meeting was dissolved

John Richards Secretary

At a meeting of the Executive Committee at the Office of D Blaisdell Esq. Apl 14th 1856 - Voted that a subscription be solicited from the citizens for improvements in the Cemetery and that Mr J. Otis Dewey be requested to circulate it

Voted that the first appropriation of money raised be for repairing fence now prostrate -- adjourned

J. Richards Secretary

1857 Apl 13} The Annual Meeting of the Dart Cemetery ASsoc. was held this day at the Vestry, accor ding to the notice duly given according to law, at 2 o'clock (Ap 13. 1857)

Prof. Saml G. Brown was chosen Moderator & Prof. ED Sanborn Sec. pro tem.

The following were unanimously chosen officers for the year ensuing


Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR



Saml G Brown Pr.
ED Sanborn VP.
John Richards Sec
J. O Dewey Treas.
I. Young
Wm Tenney
D Blaisdell Directors
Prof. Alpheus Crosby
J O Dewey

Attest, E D Sanborn Sec pro tem

A true copy of record

John Richards Secretary



April 12, 1858.

The Dartmouth Cemetery association met at the vestry. The meeting was organized by the choice of Prof. Danl J. Noyes, Moderator, and S. G. Brown, Secy pro. tem.

It having appeared that the meeting had been duly notified according to law, by a notice posted in the Post Office,

Voted to proceed to the choice of officers for the ensuing year. On counting the ballots it appeared that the following gentlemen were unanimously elected.

Saml G. Brown. President
E. D. Sanborn. Vice President.
John Richards. Secy.
J. O. Dewey. Treasr.
Wm Tenney.
Ira Young. Directors.
Danl Blaisdell.
Dr. A. B. Crosby.
A. P. Balch.
The Association there adjourned

Attest S. G. Brown. Secy pro. tem

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolynR
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 210 in total