1859, Annual Meeting }
The Dartmouth Cemetery Association having failed to hold its Annual Meeting by reason of the death of Rev Dr Richards, Secretary, application was made for a Legal Meeting as follows.
To Edwin D. Sanborn Esquire a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton:
The subscribers, owners of one twentieth part of the stock and property of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association, represent that said Corporation has failed to hold its Annual Meeting for the present year. They therefore request you to call a meeting of the members of said Corporation to be held at the Vestry in said Hanover on Wednesday the first day of June next at two oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of acting upon the following subjects viz. 1st To choose a Moderator 2nd To choose all necessary officers for the year ensuing. 3rd To transact any other necessary business.
Hanover April 28, 1859
J. O. Dewey S. G. Brown J. Emerson
{Seal} The State of New Hampshire
Grafton Ss.
To J. O. Dewey of Hanover in said County of Grafton.
Whereas application has been made to me, Edwin D. Sanborn a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton, as above, You are required to warn a meeting of said Corporation to be held at the time and place, and for the purposes mentioned in said application by publishing a copy of said application and warrant fourteen days, in the same manner as is provided for warning the annual meetings of said Corporation.
And make return of this warrant at said time and place of meeting.
Dated the 10th day of May AD 1859
Edwin D. Sanborn Justice of the Peace
I, this day posted, at the Post office in this Village a true and attested copy of the above, which I hereby certify is a true copy of the original application and warrant
Hanover May 11, 1859.
1859 At the Annual Meeting of the Dartmouth Cemetery association, holden at the time and place mentioned in the foregoing application & warrant, the President ^Prof Brown being in the chair. J. O. Dewey was chosen Secretary pro tem
The following persons were Elected as follows, as officers of the association for the Ensuing year.
Prof S. G. Brown | President |
E. D. Sanborn | Vice Pres. |
J. W. Patterson | Secretary |
J. O. Dewey | Treasurer |
William Dewey | |
J. S. Woodman | Directors |
Danl Blaisdell | |
A. B. Crosby | |
A P Balch |
J. O. Dewey Secretary Pro tem.
June 7. 1859
The Dartmouth Cemetery Association met at Prof Brown's study.
The meeting was called to order by the President, Prof. Brown
On motion of Prof. Sanborn voted that an asseSsment of one dollar be made upon the Shareholders for the purpose of making repairs upon the fence & for other improvements, and that a subscription paper be circulated through the village for the same purpose.
Voted that A. B. Crosby be added to the Committee on fences.
Voted that the President be requested to confer with Prof Hubbard in relation to the removal of the offensive seSs-pool formed by the waste water from his premises.
Voted that Prof. Sanborn be a Com mittee to make what repairs may be necessary on the Tomb and Hearse-house.
Voted that the Committee on fences be instructed to make such repairs as may be necessary immediately.
Adjourned -
J W. Patterson Secretary
Hanover June 8. 1859.
Hanover. Apr. 8. 1861}.
Agreeably to the provisions of the third article of the By laws, the Annual Meeting of the Dart. Cemetery ASsociation was holden at the time and place mentioned in the notice posted by the Secretary at the Post Office Apr. 2. 1861 -
The meeting was called to order by Prof. S. G. Brown - the President. The Secretary being absent, J. A. Smith was chosen Secretary, Pro tem.
The following were then unanimously chosen Officers for the year ensuing
Prof. S. G. Brown, President Prof. C. A. Aiken, V. President
W. Tenney | |
J. S. Woodman | |
Danl Blaisdell | Directors |
A. B. Crosby | |
J. N. Putnam |
Voted that the Treasurer be instructed to make out the neceSsary papers and collect the amount due for lots taken up during the past year -
The report of the Treasurer being called for the following was submitted by J. O. Dewey
To Cash paid out at sundry times per. order of Pres. | $62.89 |
By Cash seca on aSseSsments and subscriptions | 57.50 |
Balance due the Treas. | $5.39 |
Voted that the Directors be instructed to prevent the grounds of the Cemetery being used as a thoroughfare by the owners of adjoining lands in future
Voted to aSseSs a tax of one dollar upon a share - and to direct the Treasurer to collect said tax and the amount due upon a former aSseSsment - immediately - for the purpose of making neceSsary repairs & improvements
Voted to adjourn
Attest. James A. Smith., Sec. pro tem
The Dartmouth Cemetery ASsociation having failed to hold its annual meeting in 1862, at a meeting of the Directors elected in 1861 application was made for a legal meeting as follows:
To Danl Blaisdell Esqr a Justice of the Peace for the County of Grafton.
The subscribers, owners of one twentieth part of the stock & property of the Dartmouth Cemetery ASsociation, represent that said Corporation failed to hold its annual meeting during the last year. They therefore request you to call a meeting of the members of the said Corporation to be held at the Vestry in said Hanover on Tuesday the 21st day of April [instant], at two o'clock on the afternoon for the purpose of acting upon the following subjects
1st To choose a Moderator to govern said meeting
2nd To choose all neceSsary Officers for the year ensuing
3d To [see] what sum of money the ASsociation will vote to raise for the improvement of the Cemetery.
4th To transact any other neceSsary business.
Hanover April 4. 1863
S. G. Brown Chas A. Aiken William Tenney J. O. Dewey John S. Woodman
[I. S.]
The State of New Hampshire.
Grafton Ss. To Samuel G. Brown of Hanover in said County of Grafton.
Whereas application has been made to me Daniel Blaisdell, a Justice of the Peace for said County of Grafton, as above;
You are required to warn a meeting of said Corporation to be held at the Vestry time & place & for the purposes mentioned in said application by publishing a copy of said application and warrant fourteen days in the same manner as is provided for warning the annual meetings of said Corporation.
And make return of this warrant at said time & place of meeting.
Dated the fourth day of April A. D. 1863.} Signed Daniel Blaisdell Justice of the Peace
I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original application & warrant.
Hanover April 4. 1863.
The above copy notice remained posted at the Post Office until the day of meeting.
At the meeting of the Dartmouth Cemetery ASsociation, holden at the time & place mentioned in the foregoing application & warrant, Profr S. G. Brown presiding, - Prof. C. A. Aiken was appointed Secretary Pro Tem.
Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows;
Prof. S. G. Brown | President |
Rev. S. P. Leeds | Vice President |
(Prof.) Chs A. Aiken | Secretary |
J. O. Dewey | Treasurer |
Danl Blaisdell | |
Wm Tenney | |
(Prof.) J. S. Woodman | Directors. |
Dr. A. B. Crosby | |
S. W. Cobb |
Voted to adjourn.
Chas A. Aiken Sec. Pro Tem.