Hanover Cemetery/ Dartmouth Cemetery Association Journals







The annual meeting of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association will be holden at the Vestry on Monday the next at 2 o'clock PM 1. To choose a Moderator. 2. To elect officers for the year ensuing. 3. To transact any other business Chas A. Aiken Secretary


The notice of which the above is a true copy was duly posted at two places in the village, 14 days before the time appointed. C A Aiken Secretary



According to the foregoing warrant the Hanover Cemetery Association held its annual meeting at the Vestry at 2 o'clock PM. this day. Profr Brown was chosen Moderator. The officers of the last year were reelected. All matters of business affecting the interests of the Association were referred to the Directors. Adjourned Chs A. Aiken Secretary

Officers for 1864-5

Prof. S. G. Brown President
Rev S. P. Leeds Vice President
Prof. C. A. Aiken Secretary
J. O. Dewey Treasurer
Hon. Dan Blaisdell
Hon. Wm Tenney
Prof. J. S. Woodman Directors
Dr. A. B. Crosby
Last edit 9 months ago by Ella Moore




The annual meeting of the Dartmouth Cemetery Association will be holden on next, at 2 o'clock P.M., at the Vestry 1. To choose a Moderator 2. To elect officers for the next year. 3. To transact any other business. Charles A. Aiken Secretary Hanover }

The above notice was duly posted at two places in the village, fourteen days before the time appointed C. A. Aiken



The meeting called by the above notices, was in consequence of other public exercises adjourned to at 7 P.M. at Prof. Brown's study.

The annual meeting of the Cemetery Association was holden according to the above adjournment. Dr. J. A. Smith was chosen Moderator. The officers of the last year were reelected; to wit

Prof. S. G. Brown President
Rev. S. P. Leeds Vice Prest.
Prof. C. A. Aiken Secretary
Dr. J. A. Smith Treasurer
Hon. Danl Blaisdell
Hon. Wm. Tenney
Prof. J S Woodman Directors
Dr A B Crosby
S W Cobb
The subject of raising money by tax & otherwise, for the ensu ing year was referred to the Directors. The Directors were also authorized to act according to their discretion in regard to raising the price of lots in this Cemetery. Adjourned. C. A. Aiken Secy.
Last edit 8 months ago by Ella Moore



At a meeting of the Directors of the Dartmouth Cemetery ASsociation held Jan 23. 1866 it was voted that when we adjourn it shall be till 7 o'clock Friday evening Jan. 26th [?]

Voted that J. A. Smith & Prof. C. A. Aiken be ap pointed a Committee to consider the subject of in. creasing the price of unsold lots in the Cemetery and of varying the price of lots in different locations.

Also to consider the subject of raising money to li quidate the existing debt of the ASsociation, and as certain what authority the ASsociation has to Tax the shareholders & to enforce the payment of Taxes.

Also to make out a list of shareholders and the number of shares owned by each and to report upon the above named subjects at the next meeting of the Directors

Voted that Prof. C. A. Aiken be appointed a subcom mittee to examine the account of Dr E. W. Smith when it shall be presented & to settle with him

Voted. that we adjourn.

Signed J. A. Smith, acting secretary

Above entry made here by mistake


- Notice - The Directors The D

Last edit 8 months ago by Ella Moore




The Dartmouth Cemetery ASsociation will hold its annual meeting on Monday the next at 2 P.M. in the Vestry 1. To choose a Moderator 2. To elect officers for the next year. 3. To transact any other business lawfully coming before the Association. Chas A. Aiken Secretary


The above notice was duly posted fourteen days before the time appointed. C. A. Aiken Secretary.



Annual Meeting

In accordance with lawful public notice the Dartmouth Cemetery Association held its annual meeting . at 2P.M. in the Vestry.

Prof. S. G. Brown was appointed Moderator. The following persons were duly elected officers of the Association for the ensuing year.

Prof. S. G. Brown President
Rev. S. P. Leeds Vice President
Prof. E. D. Sanborn Secretary
Dr. J. A. Smith Treasurer
Hon Wm Tenney
S. W. Cobb
Dr. A. B. Crosby Directors
Prof. E. T. Quimby
Prof. H. Fairbanks
Proposed negotiations with Prof. H. Fairbanks & Prof O. P. Hubbard in regard to the sale of a small section from the Northern end of the Cemetery grounds were referred to the Directors with full power to act for the Association.

The Assessment of Taxes & adjustment of other financial matters were also referred to the Directors. C. A. Aiken Sec.

Last edit 8 months ago by Ella Moore





Copy of a Deed

Know all men by the presents that the Dartmouth Cemetery Association situate in Hanover, within the County of Grafton and State of New Hampshire for and in consideration of twenty dollars to them in hand before the delivery hereof, well and truly paid by the Trustees of Dartmouth College situate in said Hanover have remised, released and forever quit claimed and by these presents do remise, release and forever quit claim unto the said Trustees of Dartmouth College and their assigns forever one certain piece or parcel of land in the Dartmouth Cemetery, in said Hanover, lying in the North table land and being partly in the parcel this day granted by said Trustees of Dartmouth College to said Dartmouth Cemetery Association for the purpose of enlarging said Cemetery, being ninety six feet square and containing, as by plan of said Cemetery Lots No 112, 113, 114, 314, 315, 316, 320, 321, 322, 327, 328, 329, twelve lots each twenty four feet by thirty two feet

To have and to hold the said unused premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said Trustees of Dartmouth College and assigns forever

Last edit 8 months ago by Ella Moore
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 210 in total