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Left Navy yard Brooklyn at 2.30 pm
the Navy yard was crowded with spectators
and the U.S.R.S. Corlorados Band was playing
different nationall airs cheers after cheers was
given by the people on shore and from
the Rercruts on board the R Ship Colorada
likewise the crew of the Arctic Steamer
Alert maned the rigging giving us three
cheer the same was returned from the Ship and also
every man belonging to this Ship throw his Cap
overboard going down the River Ferry boats
Tugboats and other Steam vessels blew their
whistles it was allmost imposible to hear your
own words Colers being dipped from vessels
of different Nasionalety and from Hous
tops on shore The Brooklyn Bridge and all
the Wharfs both on Brooklyn and Newyork
side was lined with spectaters Leaving the
Navy yard a salute of seven guns was fired
from the saluting Battery Governers Island
Fort Hamilton and Fort Wadsworth firing
a salute of 21 guns each. The Talleposa with
the Secretary of the Navy Secretarry of
War General Hancock and other high
Officials and Ladis on board following
as down the river and outside of Sandy
Hook Before leaving the Navy yard
All hands were called to muster forming
in too ranks on the quarter deck and
the Secretary W. Chandler of the Navy
and Secretary of War Lincoln came
through the lines shaking hands
with every man going on the Expedition
wishing os a God speed and safe return
No better send off the the Thetis got
could not be exspected the people did
everything to show there best and
hearthy wishes for our undertaking

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