





On baptism; One ordinance of gospel Bap!

---------------------------------------------------------- 6. One God. {Voice of nature. {Of Revelation. Father of all; All men by creation — Saints, by redemption — ------------------------ Above all; {In his essence — {In dominion ---------------------- Through all; Upholding — ------------------------ In you xc; In believers, as his temple —

-------- -------- ----- ---------------------------------- 7. But unto xc. {the divinity of grace & gifts aught to promote unity, for they are measured out for that. ―

--- --- --- ------------------------------------------ 8. The Saith xc. Ps. 68:18. — He — Christ. Acts 1:9, 10. --------- Led xc. Triumphed over death, Sin, & Satan. ------------------------------- Gave gifts to men; Many gifts come to men through Christs's [ascod]

------ ------------------------------------------------- 9. Now xc. Incarnation. Ps. 139:15 ----------------- 2. Burial. Ps. 63:9. ―

-------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Ascended. He rose & ascended. Through the death, burial, and resurection of Christ, grace & gifts can be bestowed upon men.

------------------------------------------------------------ 11. And he gave xc

------------------------------------------------------------- 12. For the perfecting xc. Orderlly, spiritual state and frame. ------------------------- Work of — Ministry a work laborious work. ------------------------- Edifying xc } To buid up the Ch.


13. — Unity of faith. In heaven — Millenium on earth — --------------------- And of the knowledge xc Know more of Christ — Views of Him alike — ---------------------- Unto a perfect man; ful growth of Graces & gifts — ------------ Unto the measure xc. — Christians of full maturity —

---------------------------------------------------------- 14. No mor children xc. In knowledge, wealth in faith. easily imposed upon. -------------- Tossed xc; like ships without ballast — ------------------ Carried &; like clouds — ----------------- Sleight & cunning — Arts of falst Teachers. —

------ ------- ------------------------------------------- 15. Speaking xc. Holding and speaking according to the gospel of truth.

------------ ------------------------------------------- 16. From whom; Christ — ----------- Body; The Chh. ---------------- Fitly xc; Orderly & firmly united — -------------------------- By that xc. Spirit, faith, love, Sacraments — ------------------------ Accords to the effectual xc every member communicating to others, what he has received. ---------------------- Maketh increase; of the Chh. ------------------- Unto the edifying xc so doing, they increase in love ―

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



Chap 4:17 - 32.

17 - 24. In general, how the gentiles walked, [desuat]ˉ to us, and how we aught to walk.

1 How the unregenerated Gentile walked. ---------

V.17 In vainity of their mind. Mind upon Idols & worldly possessions --------------------

V.18. Walked in darkness. Ignorant of the existance of the true God, & so destitute of all saving Knowledge. Rom.1:23-23.

------------------------- V.19. Conscience reared. Past feeling; Guilty of all impurity, yet conscience neither checked nor admonished them. Hint ― Rom.1:26,27. But in Ephe 5:12. -It is a shame ―

--------------------------------------------------------------- II He disuades us from the like. v.17 ― ye walk not ― Walk different from the walks you did once ― --------------- From what your impenitent neighbours do now. 2 Cor. 5:17. --------- -------- ------------------------------------------------

V.20, Because you have learned differently. 21. lrnd C.=Doctrine of C. John 8:12. 1 Cor.6:9-11.

------------------------------------------------------------- III to Walk ― How we aught --------- Two things & we must do ―

V.22 Put off the old man. Corrupt nature. ------ V.23 Be renewed xc -------------------------------------------------------

V.24. Puritan on the new man ― New nature, principle of grace ―


He descends into particulars. ---------------

V.25. Put away falsthood. This is John 8:44. ― V.22. ------------- Speak truth. This is of God John- 14:6,16,17.

------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Guard against sinful passions. Be ye angry xc. Not a command, but concess[ion]. --------- such is our nature ― ----------- But sin not ― ------------- Not retained ― Let sun ― Eccl.7:9.

------------------------------ -------------------------------- V.27. When there is sinful anger long retaind, Satan is pleased. Neither give xc

----------------------------------------------------------------- V.28. Be honest - that stole, steal no more. By force nor fraud ― ----------------- Be industrious ― Let him labour xc ― ------------------- Be benevalent. ― That he may have to [give] Many are the needy ― - - --- -- --------- -------- --------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------

V.29. Must be chaste in our conversˉ "Let no corrupt ― Profanity & lubidinous talk. --------------------- Yea, spiritual. That which is good ―

--------------------- ----------------------------------- V.30. Have respect to the Spirit. Grieve not. He is our Guide, comforter- our Witness xc ---------- -------------------- -----------------------------------

V.31. Gaurd against unholy feelings & unholy words.

--------------------------------------------------------------- V.32. Be tender & affectionate to all Saints ― ---------------------------------------------------------------- Let us attend well the them remarks, the Lord assists us to make the applicˉ

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



Chap 5:1-20

Continuation of preceding exhortations.

V.1 Behave in a way sui table to our adaptation. Be ye therefore xc. Connected wutg proceeding vrs.

------------------------------------------------- We must have the mind of Christ. V

V.2: Christ gave himself, an offering & a sacrefice. Ps.40:6-8 John 19:30. ------------- This was the fruit of his love. ----------------- Love should influence us also― Walk in love. Words & deeds.

------- -------- --------- --------------------------------- V.3 We must gaurd against sin of uncleaness. Fornecˉ.; Folly of the unmaried. --------- ----------- Uncleaness ; All other conducts, violats the [y] th command. ------------- Not be named xc. Ought not to be named in the world― --------- surely not among snts. see 1 Cor. 6:15-20. ------- ------- ------ --- Gaurd against covetousness. Selfish love of the world. Not be named ―

---- ----- ------ ---------------------------------------------- V.4. We must gaurd against the sin of the tongue. James 3:5-10. ― The tongue is Neither filthiness xc. Unscemly gestures ― obscene & lewd dis course ----- scurrilous & abusive reflections. James 1:26. If any man]

---------- ------------ --------------------------------------- V.5. We must consider that such conduct unfits for the Kingdom of God. For this ye Know ― What would [such] do in that holy place. Rev.22: 15.]


V.6 Nay, such exposes to the wrath of God. ― Let― vain words. Allowable, ―Not provok, 1 ). escape xc. ------------- Wrath of ) for these things. Rev.21:8. But- The Whoremongers ------------------- V.7. Be not ye xc. of their sin ― So not of their punishment.

-------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- V.8. Let your christian profession, induce you to avoid such conduct & conversation. Darkness. Destitute of the light of the Spirit \ ) . ----------- Now light― Follower of Jesus. John 8:12.― ----- -------- Walk xc. Practice those things, that will bear the light. ―

--------------- --------------------------------------------- As we must deny ungodliness, and worldly lusts, so we must live as Titus 2:12. ― -----------------

V.9 Bring forth the fruit of the Spirit. Goodness xc ― ----------------

V.10. Proving xc ―

---- ------------------------------------------------------- V.11. Have no fellowship ―

--------------- V.12. For it is shame xc

------------------ ------------ -------------- V.13. But all things xc see v.8.

-------- ------------------------------------------------------- V.14. He saith xc. Throughtout the Bible. ―

------ -------- ------------------------------------------------ V.15. We must walk wisely. see then xc. with an eye all about you. Matt.25:1-4. ―

----- ----------- ---------------------------------------------- V.16. Improve time. Redeem, xc. Buy up time.

---- ------- ------------- -- -- -------------------------------- V.17. Study to know the will of God. Wherefore xc

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



V.18. We must cultivate temperate habits. ―Be not drunk xc. ― Keep in mind Prov. 20:1. ------------- Excess. ― ----------------- Be not―. Experience says, the best way, is total abstinence. ----- ----- ------ ------ --------------------------------- Be ye filled. Holy Spirit, and distilled Spirit will dwell well together.

------------------------------------------------------- V.19. Speaking xc. Drunkards sing profane songs ― ------------------ Saints filled with the spirit, must be joyful in the Lord―

------------------------------------------------------ V.20. Giving thanks always. For we always have matter fo thanksgivings. ― ------------------------------------------------------- Remarks If we do these things we shall, indeeed, be followers of God as dear children.

------------------------------------------------------- Chap 5:21-33.

I Some truths respecting Christ & the Chh.

V.23. Christ is the head of Chh. Kingly head Household Natural Complete in all thingsese.

------------------------- Saviour of the body. Body = Chh. 1:22,23. All that ever were, shall be saved, were saved by him.


V.25. C. loved the Chh. Stong & wonderful V.2.

------------------------ Gave himself. V.2. To poverty― servitude― Sufferings― Death ― For Advocate.

--- -- ---- ------ --------- -------- ---------- -------- ------- ----- ---- The of object he designed. Vs 26,27. Sanctify & cleanse. ― For they were by nature un-clean -------- Washing xc. Word of truth being preachd, he attended with cleaning effects. Ps.119:9. John 17:17. -------------- Present― When Matt. 25:34. ----------- spot xc. As the Chh. will, when (Rom.8:29.) Conformed to the[m]

----------------------------------------------------------------------- V.29. He nourisheth & cherish. He takes care of it. Seen. Isa. 40:11.43:2,3. John 6:51. 10;/27,28.

----------- ----------------------------------------------------------- V.24. Chh. is, or should be subject to Christ. Saints subjects of Christ's spiritual Kingdom.

----------------------------- V.30. Very intimately united to Christ ― Members xc

------------ ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- II Directions to husbands & wives. ―

V.23. Head of the wife. Formed first― Stronger ― To go forward ―

---------------- ------------------------------------------------ V.25,28,29. Husbands must love their wives. Without ― Tyrants ------------- Indeed ― in those unhappy family where love does not prevail. ― ------------------------------ Love of Christ, example.

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



That is, sincere, pure, ardent, constant ― -------------------

V 28. As their bodies. They are head ― H. not munch, without body. ------------------- It is themselves. Matt.19:5. V.33. --------------------

V.29. To hate, is to hate his flesh.

------------------------------------------------------------------ V.31. Must cleave to his wife in preference to all other relatives. Gen.2:24,25.

-------------- V.32. great Mystery. V.31

------- ------ --------- --------- ----------- --------------------- Direction to wives.

Vs.22,24. Submission. This will be easy, if it is such a husband, as regrds the above rule. Not Sub. of a slave. Body ― Client― Ward― Traveler― Mariner ―

-------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------------ V.33. Reverence.

---- --------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- Remarks.

Admire the condescension of the Saviour. ------------ How aught the Chh. to Submit, & obey Christ? ------------------------- Let husbands & wives seek wisdom, that they may discharge their duty as Christian companions― ----------------


Chapt. 6: 1-9. Continues the relative duties.

Vs.1-3. Duties of children to parents. ―

Those addressed, are Children ―

Those to whom, the duty, Parents ―

Duties are two;

1. Obedience. Prov.56:20,21. This ― to minors ―

----------------------- 2. Honour ―; An esteem, which shows itself Fear. Lev.19:3 --------------- Regard to their interest. Proverds, 28:24. -------------------- Attention to their instru-ction Prov.1:8.4:1.13:1.― ------------ Make their old age easy & comfortable. Matt.15:4-6. Prov. 19:28.25.

------------------------------------------------------------------- Duties enforced; In the Lord = F ----------- It is right―; reasonable, proper ― Care infancy ― -------- Provision ― support― ------------- Care in sickness ― ------------ Anxiety for spiritual good. ------------------------------------------------------------------- By a promise .vs.2,3.

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary
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