
Part 1


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Rom. 8:14.

I The Agent, who is spoken of as leading. Holy Spirit. Third person in the Trinity.― Omnicient. Omnipresent. Omnipotent. Eternal. Creator. --------- ----------- ---------

II How does He lead? By the written word— ―Preached word ― ―By his influence on the mind. ― ―His Church. ― -------------------

III From whence does the Sprtlead? ―Or where does he find those whom He leads? In sin. ― Under Satan's yoke. { in general

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



In particular:

Found Levi ― Zacheus ― Saul. ― Infidelity of various kind. ------------ Imorality; Mary Magdalene ------------ Living in the pleasures of this world. ― ---------- Self-righteousness. ― ------------ Procrasstination. ― ----------- Buried up in the persuits of this world. ― --------- From these & a multitude of other dangerous snares he leads those, wh are willing to follow him.

----------------- IV Where does he lead. The troubled soul, to the Cross of Christ, Zach 12:[5]0. ------------- To throne of Grace. Rom. 8: --------- Leads into truth. ---------- Into enjoyment of the Love of God ― Rom. 5: ------------ Into the exercise of the love Christian graces. Gal. 5: -------------------


Into the family of God. Rom. 8:15 - 17. ― ----------- Leads to Heavin. 1 Cor. 2: ------------

V Who does He lead? the Sons, or Children of God. By adoption. By Regeneration.

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How desireable to be led by such a glorious Agent? ---------- Let us attend to those ways, by which the Holy Spirit lead. -------------- How deangerous to trifle with the Holy Spirit? To resist & grieve. --------------- How cheerfully, then, should we submit to the Leading of the Holy Spirit. ― -------------- No such thing as being child of God, without we are led by the spirit of God.

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



Matt. 6:19.

I. Does not mean to prohibit suitable provission ― For food } 1 Tim. 5:8. Raments } 2 Thess. 3:10. Sickness}

Benevolence Heb. 13:16. Residence Heb. 13:2. 1 Pet. 4:9,10.

-------------------- II It forbids out laying of our plans for vast riches in this world. ― This prohibition will commend itself to our unn- derstanding, and approvals from the following.

1th. Treasures of this world apt to engross our affections. ― Where your treasure----------- 2nd. Undue desire for them, lays strong temptations to get them dishonestly. They that will be rich ― James 5:4. 1 Tim. 5:9.


3rd. The possession of them, often leads to the pleasure of sin. Ps. 73. Luke 12: 16: Naboth also ---------------- 4th. Rich men are often infidels. ― Prov. 30:8. 1 Tim. 6:10. x --------------- Keeps death out of sight. Luke 12: ------------------- 6th. A strong hindrance to our entrance into the Kingdom of heaven. Matt. 19: ------------ ------------ 7th sometimes the means of ruining souls. 1 Tim. 6:9. ------------------- Make men presumptuous. James 4:13. 5:3. ---- ----- ----- ----- Its insecurity while we live. Moth & rust, & thieves ― Fine clothe? Moth― Eatables;? Rust― Money? Thieves, or James 5:3. Wings ― ------------------------------- Uselessness in death. Ps. 49: Luke 12:20.

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



Remarks. Let us moderate our desires for the wealth of this world. 1 Tim. 6:8 ------------------ 2.nd If, by the blessing of God on industry, and honesty, riches increase, Let us not set our hearts on it. ― ------------------ 3.rd In such a case, we have a distinguish part to act. ― ---------------------- Subjects warns us to seek after a more enduring treasure than what this world effords.


Matt. 6:20.

As Christ gave good caution in the preceeding verse, so he in this, gives good counsel. ― ----------------- The nature of these treasures. Not temporal, but spiritual.

Hope of future glory through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lay upon &x. Secure an interest in Christ. Repent ― Believe ― ------------------ Now this councel of the Lord Jesus, commends itself to us, from the following considerations. If in heaven, our affections will be placed there. ---- ----- ------ 2.nd Riches treasures in the uneverse. Ps. 73: Lam. 3: ----------------- 3.rd Beyond the reach of depredation. T ―.― 1 Pet. 1:

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary
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