
Part 1





III. But it is an evil where this preparation is not. ― God will not be sought. ------------- God will be dishoured ― ------------- Spirit witheld ― ------------- Sinners hardened ------------- Saints discouraged ------------- Satan pleased ― ------------- Souls last ― ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Seeking the Lord is the business of this meeting. ------------ Is the heart prepared to seek Him. ― ------------- Good will result just in proportion, to the preparation.


Supplement to my skeleton on Matt. 25:46. first clause. ------------------- Endless misery of the wicked. ---------------- A contrary belief, is injurious to the spiritual & eternal interrest of men. --------------- Spiritual Int. = Holy exercises. Eternal Int. = Future happiness. --------------------- Lulls the consciences of men to sleep. ― -- -- ---------- ---------- It Militates against the preach, & practuce of immediate repentance. ------------------ Prevents attendance to Christian duties. ― ----------- ---------- ---------- Makes men secure in sin. ------------- ---- ---- Gives a falst peace. ----------------- Makes men indifferent, or opposed to measures, that are taken for the enlargement of the Redeemer's Kingdom in this world. Temperance efforts ― Sabbath schools ― Bible translation & circulation ― Missionary opperations ― Revival measures ― ----------------- It is perfectly agreable to the natural heart ― ------------------------

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



1. Thess. 4:13,14.

Part, 1. When we look into the [gr], we see that Jesus has been there, and his saints are, or will be there. ― ----------------- Part, 2. That our sorrow in such a case, should be regulated by the gospel. ― ---------------- Part, 3. That, we look beyond the grave we see a hope full of immortality. ― - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Pt.] Jesus died! Painful death ― Ignominious death ― Vicarious D ― Triumphant ― ----------------- 1 Cor. 15:4. was burried in a borrowed and grave ― Honourably burried ― --------------- Saints are; or will be there. ― Saints are not examptd. from death ― But death is a sleep ―Not anni-hilation. Senses not in exercise Body at rest ― Rise again. ------------------ Sleep in Jesus; in the faith of J.


A new creature. Sleep, or die in Him. ― ------------------ -------------

II Part

Our sorrows should be regulated by the gospel. ― We may & must sorrow ― ----------------- But not as xc those for 1. The Lord reigns 2. Judge of all the earth does right. 3. Opens a glorious hope to those who die in Jesus. 4. To them end of pains, the end of cares, end of sin ― ----- ----- ----- -----

III Part

Jesus rose. So the saints Their Spirits go to Him at death ― --------------- At his coming their bodies will be raised -------------- Made like Him. -------------- For ever be with Him. --------------

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



Gen. 3:15.

Our first Parents assaulted [vs]. Their arraignment [vs]. Text = War proclaimed.

1 The Parties engaged. 1. The Serpent & his seed. Serpent; Satan as is evident 2 Cor. 11:3. Rev. 12:9. Satan the Agent, a real serpent the instrument. This the opinion of ancient Rabbins. R. Bechai. "Wherefore the scripture mystically signi fies him, who was hid in the serpent. ― And ― the serpent is Satan, the evil figment, the Angel of Death. ----------------- They call this tempter. "The God that has blinded." Comp. 2 Cor. 4:3,4. ------------------- Angel of Death. Comp. Heb. 2:14,15. ------------------- Old serpent. Comp. Rev. 12:9. 20:2. ------------------- Frey's letters. Part 2nd let. 3.rd ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. On the other hand, the woman's Seed. Messiah, or Christ. a. The description. "It shall" xc; original, [Hao. He. seek.]


102:27. Thou art the same Hoo. Isa. 48:12. And Hoo. I am He in Jehovah. ― Hence tho LXX. in the text. autos he. The person intended under the character of the seed. --------------------- b. Seed of the Woman. A perthat should come not in the ordinary generation. The incarnation. 1 Tim. 3:16. Comp. Isa. 7:14. Jer. 31:22. Matt. 1:19,22,29. ---------------------- c. The work this seed was to perform, shows it to be the Messiah. Bruise the ser pent's head. 1 John 3:8. See Ps. 11[9]:6. Hab. 3:13 -------------------------- d. Ancient Rabbins refered this to the Messiah. "As soon as sin had made its entrance into our world, the Messiah, the had made his appearance". The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's, and they shall obtain healing, or a plaster for the heel, in the days of Messiah the King". Part 2. let. 3. Frey's let. -------------------- e. If not Messiah here, then, no promise up

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



him till the days of Abraham. But how could Abel, Enoch, Noah, believed in Him. Heb. 11. Rom 10:17. ------------------------------

II Success of the Two. Serpent, or Satan should bruise Messiah's heel. He would try to injure C. in his per human nature or in his members. Instances Matt. 2:16. 4:1-9. Luke 22:3,31. Chief Priests, Falst Witnesses & Pilate, [for] John 8:44. Luke 22:53. In his crucifixion. ― ---------------------- In his members. Matt. 25:40,45 Tempts, persecutes, cast into prison. ---------------------- 2. Christ should gain a decissive victory. It, or he shall bruise thy head. As here & in Ps.110:6. so the work has began, and is going on. At the slaughter at B. C. was protected, -------------- At his tempt- Matt. 4:10, 11. -------------- Cast him out of the Bodies & Souls of men. ― -------------- Stir men to put him to death? Then Col. 2:15.


In spite of Satan, He is in heaven with his human Nature, as as i ntercessor, to save those, who came unto God by Him. ---------------- The policies of Satan to prevent the spread of his gospl has proved futile. ----------------- That gospel is the Power of God. Rom. 1:16. --------------------- In tempting, & accussing saints, he bruises ― Yet soon, Rom. 16:20. Rev. 12:10. --------------------------- Though long held Jews, Mahomadens, Paptists, Heathens, yet Dan. 2:35. ------------------------- But when 2 Thess. 1:7,8. Rev. 20:12. 2 Pet. 3:50, 13. will be a glorious fulfilment. ------------------- Finally, when, Matt. 25:31-46. Rev. 20:10-14. ― ----------------- Remarks. Does there exist such a war? We are engaged on one side, or the other. ------------ Hence then most unhappy the case of those, who are engaged in the cause of the God of this world. The marks of such may be known from the word of God. And their doom.

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary



But the part that Jesus acts in this war, Shows his wonderful love. ― --------- Calls for our immidiate submission. ― ------------ For our gratitude to be expressed by a consecration of our selves to his service. ― --- --- -------- ----------------- Eccl. 7:14.

1. Prosperity & adversity sum up the providential allotments of men.

Day of Prosperity. Health. Wealth, or competancy. Ps. 63:3. Friends

----------------- Adversity A reverse of fortune, or the opposite of prosperity. ― --------------- II Corresponding duties. 1. In prosperity, rejoice.


Not with that carnal joy, With which the wicked use their possession. see Ps. 73. ―

But as the Lord directs, Deut. 26:10,11. 28:47,48. ― ------------------ As the Psalmist; Ps. 103. ------- ------------- -------------- 2. On adversity, consider.

The cause; sin.

The Author; God.

The design; Our good.

How munch less than, desert.

What severer distress; if we live & die in sin.

What was our conduct in prosperity.

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary
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