






But enquires one, in Heb. 9:10. ― Divers washings, is it not Batisms? yes. Diaphrais Baptismais. -------------- If not satisfied xc. ------------- Translate; Divers immersion or dipings, or plungings. ---------------- Don't he incl mean sprinklings? ― No. 3. Reasons. Apostle had occassion to speakling, [splingling] & he made use of a different word. 13,19,21. Why not the same. --------------- 2.nd It is a rule given by best interpreters, that the Litteral meaning of a passage is not to be departed from, unless there is an obvious necessity. --- ---- ------ ------- ------ 3.rd We can find in of old Testament just what the Apostle asserts



here; Dvers dipings, plungings, immersions. Liv. 11:30-32. [6]:28.15:6–8.

―14:6,8 49-51. ― Birds xc

Num. 31:21-23. 24 Certain things ― passd through water ― ― 19:7,19. ― Wash clal clothe ― Bathe xc

There must to have been very frequent resort to these immersions.

------------- ------------ ------------. We might here stop, and take up with the opinion of two wise men. Sir, William Blackstone; "That the words of a law are generally to be understood in their usual and most known significations, not so munch regarding the propriety of grammar, as their general & popular use."

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary




Dr. Doddridge. "I am more and more convinced, that the vulgare sence of the New Testament, that is, the sence in which an honest man of plain sence would take it, on his first reading the original, or any good translation, is most every where the true and general sence of the passage." ― Note on Matt. 18:17. ------------ -------------- ------------- Foreign Translations. Syrians, Armenians, persians, Germans, Danes, Swedes, and Dutch. Linguists informs us, that Baptizo, is rendered in their several languages, by a words which means to dip. Robinson. pgs 17,/18. Chapin. 37. ------------ King James 1.



When particulars are given, they are such as accord with the meaning of the word. places, John chose. River Jordan. Matt. 3:6. Mark 1:5,9. ---------------------- John 3:23. Eanan ― munch ― ------------- Polla 'udata. Jer. 51:13. O thou, (Babylon) that dellest upon many waters ― viz, Euphrates ― -------------------- Ezek. 26:19. ― Great waters, (Udor Polu) shall cover thee (Tyre). ― --------------------------- ― 19:10. Thy Mother ― was fruitful and full of branches, by reson of many waters (Jordan.) ------------------ Rev. 17:1,18. ― The great whore, (Rome) that sitteth upon many waters, (Tiber). ---------------- Why little here? Munch els where? ----------

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary




2. N Another cercumstance that accords with the meaning of the word baptize, is in the baptism of Jesus and of the Eunoch. Matt. 3:16. And Jesus ― out of ― Acts 8:38,39. Down into ― out of ― ---------------------------- These expressions answer to the meaning of the word Let us translate Matt: 3:16, Mark 1:9,10. Acts 8:38,39. -------------------------- Objections. Apo = from. Yes, and out of, also. ― ----------------------- Conveys the same idea. Matt. 4:25. From Gal. --------- ---------------------- 2. Two reasons. 1. Connected with Anabaino ― ------------------ 2. Matthew uses it in this way 8:33,34. ― Deport out of their casts, 12:43. ― Unclean ― gone out of ― ---------------------------- 7:4. 14:29. ― Mote out of eye ―Peter ― out of the ship



2. Eis, in Acts 8:38. To. Ans. To, towards upon xc. ----------- When it connects a verb with water means into ― Matt. 8:32. ― Into (eis) the sea. ― 17:15 ― Into (eis) the water ― 4:18. ― Net into (eis) the sea ― 13:47. 17:27, .21:21. Mark 9:42. John 21:7. So munch for eis. ― -------------------------------- Ek: = From. F. out of, -------------------- 1. As eis is proved, to have been correctly render'd, that shows, that ek should be redered out of. ---------------- 2. Cnnection with anabaino. --------------------- 3. In other places it usually means out of. Matt. 12:34. - Out of the abundanc ― 15: 19. ― Out of the heart ― 5:26 ― shall not come out― Mark 1:5. Luk 19:22. 2 Tim. 2:26. 3:11. ------------------------------------- Thus the particulars accordsWhere nones particulars the meaning. ―

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary




4. Immersion is the one Baptism, because the Apostle calls it burial. Rom. 6:4. Therefore we are buried ― Col. 2:12. Buried with by ---------------- Nothing more solemn and expressive, than the languag of the Apostle here. ― Read context, and remark -------------- Yet we are charged with wresting, or perverting the scriptures, when we make use of these passages in connexion with baptism. What does the perversion consist in? ------------------ Did not the Apostle mean to say, that he and the believing Romans were baptized? yes. This not a perversion. ― --------------------- We have seen, that baptize, is to immerse ―



If we pervert the scritures, when we quot these passages, we are strangely help on by very eminent commentators of the Pedobaptists. Archbishop Tillotsan.

Anciently, those, who were baptized, were immersed and buried in water. To these customs the Apostle alludes in Rom. 6:2-6. Works Vol. 1. Ser. 7. --------------------- Dr. Sam. Clark. Buried xc "In primitive times the manner of baptizing was by immersion, or dipping the whole body in water" ― ----------------------------------------- Dr. Doddredge. Buried xc. "It seems the part of candour to confess, that here is an allussion, to the manner of baptizing by immersion." Fom. Exp. in loco.

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary




I might swell this list, adding the views of, Dr. Adams Clark, Dr. Whiby, John Westly, Dr. Macknight, and others, who though they chose to practice sprinkling xc ― ------------------------- 5. Baptism of sufferings, confirms this view. Luke 12:50. Matt. 20.22. I have a baptism. Refers to his sufferings. ---------- Compare with 69:2. I come sink in deep mires ----------------- Doddridge. Plunge into a a sea of sufferings. So Witsius and Hervey. ---------- ------------ --------------------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- --------- --------- I have shown thus far that the one Baptism immersion only. ―

But there are those, who think they find difficulties, which I would be glad to remove. 1 John's Baptism not Christian bapt. ― Ans. What lack.



Luke 16:16. The law & the pro- Mark 1:1-4. The beging. ― John did. -------------------- Not in the Name of The Trinity. ---------------- He Bap. in the Name of God. ---------------- The Trinity sanctioned at the Bap. of Christ ― --------------- Saying of the Ancients. ------------------------ But some were rebaptized. Not so. Acts 19:1-6. Expound. ---------------- He required penctance & Faith. [am othes] No intimˉ that Apostles themselves had bap. --- ------ ----- ----- ------- ------ ------------------- 2. Objection. We are not follow Christ in his baptism, for it was only his induction into the Priest's office, according to Liv. 8:1-10. 1. No intimation in the account that this was the case. Mat. 3. ------------------------- 2. Christ was not of the Tribe of Judas Heb. 7:14. ------------------------------------------------------- 3. If in the fulfilment of that law. John ― Jordan ― cerimony. ----------- ---------- ---------------------------

Last edit 7 months ago by Samara Cary
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