




TORONTO, ONTARIO, 1107 Bank of Hamilton Bldg,, .

V. Stefansson Esq., New Court, Middle Temple, London, W.C.2, England.

Dear Stefansson:-

We were all glad to receive your letters of September 12th which arrived the day before yesterday, the same time as Noice reached here.

Noice left last night for New York and we consequently had two days with him, and I believe we have his story fairly complete, but I have asked him to write a report covering his expedition.

Mr. Anderson and Noice went over the accounts yesterday and sent you a long cable, as per copy attached, from which you will see that there is an immediate pressing demand for $4,000; and a further $2,200 for Crawford's overdue wages will be required within the next sixty days.

Noice has brought Knight's diary and I understand is sending this on to you. Personally, I don't think the material in this diary can be sold to the newspapers to advantage, but it might be sold in book or magazine form, if you decide to do this.

Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Bone of the Star have behaved very nicely during the past two months and were particularly kind to Mr. Noice yesterday.

It seems to me when talking to men about town that there is decidedly unfriendly feeling towards the Wrangel Island matter, and I think it is time that you arranged for some favorable publicity in the Canadian Press to offset the unpleasant and, I think, distinctly harmful articles that have been appearing. Saturday Night for

Last edit 4 months ago by Samara Cary


V. Stefansson Esq.. -2.

September 15th contains a very unkind article on its front page which I am attaching now in case it has not already reached your attention.

In so far as I can see there is no one here writing in your behalf, and there is an impression abroad that the men were landed on Wrangel Island two years ago as part of a publicity scheme and were then forgotten. People don’t seem to know that an earnest attempt was made to reach them in 1922, nor do they seem to give any credit for the fact that the expedition was prompted by purely patriotic methods. I don’t know that we can blame the public when there has been so little written from your point of view, and when so many unfriendly articles have appeared.

Noice gave an interview to the Star yesterday, copy of which I now attach.

In so far as making plans for the sale of magazine articles or books having to do with the Wrangel expedition I can be of little help to you, although I naturally approve anything that may be done to produce some money for the relatives of the men who have been lost.

Our first concern here is to see that the Company’s debts are paid promptly, and I hope we have an early reply from you to our cable informing us that the money will be forthcoming for this purpose.

If the British Government have any real interest in Wrangel Island, they certainly should find the money which has been expended in landing and outfitting the present party of occupation. I have not received from Mr. Anderson a segregation of the accounts, so I don't know what proportion of the total money expended has been used in purchasing supplies for the party of thirteen at present on Wrangel Island. We have the information here,I think, from which to arrive at this figure, but I am sure that the amount is not less than $5,000.

This whole unhappy affair has been a considerable strain upon those of us who are in immediate contact with the relatives of the boys that are lost. It has been particularly hard upon Mr. Anderson who has borne the full burden of our financial difficulties without any prospect of reward.

Last edit 5 months ago by Samara Cary


V. Stefansson Esq.. -3.

The story of the expedition can best be told by Noice, and as far as I can see, he has already given it very completely in the newspaper articles which have appeared.

We are very much in Noice's debt for his work in this expedition. I don't know of anyone who could have carried forward the work more competently in the face of so much difficulty and unpleasantness, and I think he is feeling the strain of the past few weeks. He certainly was not in the mood or condition to do any public speaking in Toronto.

It will be a relief to us all to see you back here, and hope to get early word that you are on your way.

Yours very sincerely, AJTaylor

Last edit 5 months ago by Samara Cary
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