



Status: Indexed

him out of the idea of the need of it?

As you may not get this letter in time I shall
wire you tomorrow the substance of it.

Crawford will need not owe a hundred
dollars in addition to his fare to Nome on the
SS Victoria. While he will be in legal
command at Nome and after, he will be the inex-
perienced man of the party and the outfitting and
conduct of the enterprise should be [???] according
to their ideas.

Besides what Lindeberg has bought in
Seattle and shipped to Nome, the outfit will be
provided in Nome by Lindeberg's nephew who is
captain of the ship. Crawford need buy nothing at
all in Seattle except one or two aneroid barometers
perhaps, and spirit thermometers if you can't
renew them from the weather bureau.

I am writing Crawford aboard
the Victoria (care of the Purser) at Seattle.

V Stefansson.

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