




Nome. Alaska, .

North American Newspaper Alliance, World Building New York, N.Y,

From Point Hope 2 AM August ninth period We weighed anchor Nome afternoon third engine trouble developed same day and much delay all way Wales STOP Remained Wales three hours took on five eskimo hunters for trip Made poor time from Wales to Cape Blossom arriving there morning sixth Because of shallow water Engineer Earl and I rowed eight miles into Kotzebue and secured complete equipment to repair engine parts Engaged an eskimo family and two unmarried eskimo also took on large quantity additional supplies guns etc. to insure entire party In event compelled to winter and establish camps for sojourn two years Secured eleven fine dogs with harness and complete equipment STOP AFTer all equipment had been taken on board and eskimo were due to leave shore in their skin boats I suddenly found that I had an eskimo strike on my hands due to influence of Missionary who not only told them that they would be without Christian influence but that the chances were that I would leave them marooned on Wrangel Island and that therefor they would never get back to their families and friends I thereupon proceeded to the Missionary's house with all of the natives where a serious earnest and at times strenuous conversation ensued in which I told the Missionary that he as a Christian fostering the spiritual welfare of the natives ought certainly to permit them to go to rescue of those in dire straights or worse and who if alive must be famished to return to their families and friends The Missionary in his night gown and I in my work clothes surrounded by twenty eskimo made indeed a primitive and picturesque conference STOP Making no headway I retired and notified the eskimo that I was leaving at once and that if they failed me I would select my crew from points farther north whereupon I proceeded to the beach only to be followed in a few minutes by the entire party of eskimo who came pell mall informing me that they would follow me STOP I was doomed for further difficulties this day and reaching the ship at nine a.m. Captain Hanson for reasons best known only to himself objected strenuously to taking on board the additional people supplies and dogs which in my opinion would prove a valuable asset in the event that we encountered any difficulties and were compelled to make a forced march over the ice to reach the Island STOP Captain Hanson took a firm stand whereupon I was compelled to accept his resignation the balance of the crew deciding to remain with the expedition At eleven oclock we set sail for Point Hope with weather fine and engines working perfect Early morning eighth anchored off Point Hope here enjoyed the hospitality of Reverend and Mrs. Thomas who rendered every assistance possible and I was compelled to modify my viewpoint considerably with reference to mission work in the north STOP Here I found one more eskimo family eager to join the expedition and engaged them with their skin boats STOP The schooner has been thoroughly overhauled and we expect to make the island in two days sailing unless delayed by ice conditions Have promoted first mate Hans Olson to sailing master but I attend to all actual navigation we are maintaining

Last edit 5 months ago by Samara Cary



schedule planned at Nome All are well and satisfied Leaving immediately for last run to island.


Last edit 6 months ago by Samara Cary
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