




TORONTO, ONTARIO, 1107 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., .

D. M. LeBourdais Esq., c/o V. Stefansson, American Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th St., New York, N.Y.

My dear LeBourdais:-

Just received yours of the 15th. Sorry to have missed you as it would have given me an opportunity of telling you just what took place at my interview with Mr. Pickering.

We arranged that I should have Mr. Roy Brown of Vancouver Province meet Noice in Seattle, and we dictated between us a general telegram of instructions to Mr. Brown, but upon my return to Toronto I received a wire from Mr. Pickering saying that he had killed the telegram and that there was now no necessity of Brown going for he, Mr. Pickering, had wired Noice to bring his material East.

Upon thinking the matter over on Saturday, however, I decided to send Mr. Brown a telegram, as per copy attached, and am glad to say that I had a reply from him last evening to the effect that he would meet Mr. Noice this morning in Seattle.

I am not disposed to conduct any further negotiations in regard to the sale of Wrangel Island stories, for, in the first place I don't feel qualified for the work, and in the second place I cannot see how we are going to avoid confusion if Stefansson is doing part of the business in London, you are doing some in New York, and I am attempting some here. Even angels would get mixed up under these difficult circumstances, so I think the best thing for me to do is to wait patiently now until Noice gets to Toronto, and then we will know just how much he has left to sell, and I will tell you, and from that point you can go on with the business.

I am ever so much obliged to you for meeting me as you did in New York, and I hope to hear from you soon again.

Yours sincerely, AJTaylor

Last edit 6 months ago by Samara Cary


D. M. LeBourdais Esq., -2.

P. S. Confidential. I have just received a telegram from Mr. Brown from Seattle reading:

"Crawford left nothing. Knight's diary and Ada's story being kept intact by Noice who will wire you direct, and he is going Toronto in few days."

I will let you hear from me as soon as I receive word from Noice.


Last edit 5 months ago by Samara Cary
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