




Apr. 16

Box 365 Canton, Ohio

Dear Mr. Stefansson:

For some time I have been wanting to express to you, in part at least, my appreciation of your "The Friendly Arctic", a copy of which you were kind enough to give me and which I am unbelievably proud to possess.

You will just have to forgive me if my letter falls short of being a "proper appreciation". I can't think of a thing I ought to say, but only the things I want to say.

Last edit 6 days ago by Samara Cary


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Your book is not near long enough - to suit me. I could have read five volumes covering that period of time in place of one. The narrative is so interesting that I would like to read it again immediately, but I shall have to lay it aside until I have made myself a spring suit and a new riding habit, and perhaps a few other things. But as soon as the necessary sewing is done I shall read it again, and I know with even greater pleasure than the first time. How interesting it must be to read your diary!

If you live another forty years what will you not have accomplished! I look forward to your next trip north proving more

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important than any you have yet made. Certainly you will make discoveries of land; I'm sure of it, and I shall not be surprised if it is so rich - rich in minerals, or perhaps otherwise productive. I hope with all my heart that on this, your next expedition, you will not have to contend with such disobedience as on your last. To me it seems nothing short of miraculous that a human being could keep his courage when everything goes contrary to his wishes. It must take infinitely more courage to face such troubles as were given you by several men of the expedition than to face a sea of moving ice with nothing for sustenance but a logical theory.

I should like very much to help contribute a little to the success of your next expedition. I do wish, Mr. Stefansson, you would take me along with you. I know I can make wind-and-water-proof seams every bit as well as the Eskimo women do. For several years I have been doing nearly all of my own sewing and tailoring. Certainly anyone who has handled a needle as much as I have can make garments of fur. (In making my clothing I have also worked a little with fur, and successfully.)

Then too, my little typewriter and I (I have a portable multiplex Hammond) can get your manuscripts ready for your publishers, if you like.

Last edit 20 days ago by Samara Cary


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If only one of your scientists (or other men) will take his wife along, there is no reason why I should not go too. Surely some of the men have wives who would want to go. I know I can make myself useful. It would be wonderful to go along on the exploratory trips, but I can hardly hope there would be enough several women could do on these trips to justify their going along. Undoubtedly the sensible thing to do is to make the party as small as possible. But I should be satisfied to remain at some base camp and do my part there to further the success of the expedition.

As for health - my health

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is perfect; my disposition, tolerable! And I'll be a lot happier in the North than here. Homesickness? I am not subject to it.

Won't it be glorious to get away from this everlasting "style"! I might ask that one concession be made. I wouldn't like to wear skirts up there; they aren't warm, anyway. Something like my riding breeches would be far more comfortable and more sensible, too.

I would like to take a few books if the weight is not prohibitive. I have an Edison Phonograph I don't object to taking if you care to have it. It is a large one - one of the tone-test machines, and practically new (one

Last edit 20 days ago by Samara Cary
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