



Status: Indexed

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Mrs. Crawford has written me quite a lengthy letter.
Poor soul, my heart goes out to her and I can see that Noice is responsi-
ble for her attitude. I am trying to think that she is not herself, for
if she were her thought is only one thing, absolute bitterness towards

I have written to her very carefully, every word I
weighed and trusted that it would reach her and tend towards putting
a different light upon her darkened thought. I have written to her
before and she asks me to write often for my letters have helped her.
I surely sought to be a source of comfort and to explain everything
as I looked at it. I believe she will come out of this state in time.

I have faith enough to know that eventually right will
win and although this has been about the most severe trial we would
want, I feel that I yet have faith that all things work together for
our good.

To lose my husband has left an impression that will
be with me always, and there is no one to put any blame upon for his
doom. This sorrow is mine to bear, and to judge another for his
death, No - No, that is about the worst thing I can think of.

You have much to think about, criticisms to meet and
a defense to make every day, I know, but with it all remember your
friends and a real friend is one who can understandingly stand for you
through your problem with plenty of proof for your loyalty for our boys
and not indifference for them as some folks seem to think. What I
really want to say is "Do not worry" any more than you can help. My
heart is so heavy it is hard to offer any word of comfort, but I feel
that you know that Delphine's attitude is only the kindest and I say
it with all sincerity.

If anything of interest develops, you will let me
know please?

Although we cannot expect any happy news from the
boys, yet it will be a satisfaction to me to know if all these com-
plications are tending towards being straightened out.

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) Delphine

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