





Dear Mr Stefansson

Replying to your request for material about the cat. Will say that the cat is here with my mother and is quite contented. We shall send photo and some other material under seperate cover. About a year ago I sent you some type written articles among them was a copy of article in Seattle Times Sept 2 - 1923, about the news from the tragedy. It was an interview with Capt Swenson who was on the King & Wing when the boys were taken off island in 1914. he has some interesting things to say about the cat, no doubt you have these papers in your files. I just learned lately that it was in Seattle Times. The copy does not show what paper it was in.

In regard to publishing the letter will say that I don't like part of last paragraph, and am writing one which you will find inclosed which I think will convey my meaning better. you may revise it if you like or make if brief. The last words may make some reader curious to know what the private nature was. I refer to these words. ("for it is of too private a nature.") I would also like to convey in the letter my opinion of the boys. I think one reason why there was such little friction, was that all four boys were of such a high type, and had such high ideals, and were so loyal to the cause, that their was little cause for dissagreement. I have written to Delphine and feel sure she will agree with us if not you will probably not use letter. Any changes you want to make in the letter will be agreeable. The Book [talk] was received and I thank you very much. You are always so thoughtful I will be glad to hear from you again. Sincerely John Maurer

Last edit 6 days ago by Samara Cary
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