east of a certain line. No mention is made of the land
west of the line, which includes Wrangel Island. Pre-
sumably, therefore, Russia retained sovereignty over
the land west of the line, provided she had ever had it.
It is fairly certain that at this time Wrangel Island had
not been discovered. It is arguable,however, that Russia
even then had a claim to the island. Siberia was admitted-
ly Russian, though largely unexplored and unoccupied, at
least by the representatives of Russian authority. And it
is arguable that Wrangel Island, since it is nearer to
Siberia than to other land, is a dependency of Siberia —
that is, geographically it is to be regarded as naturally
appurtenant to Siberia.
To turn now to the newspaper reports; which are all
taken from the New York Times unless otherwise specified.
". Urges Aerial Base on Wrangel Island.
Anxious that either Canada, Great Britain, or the United
States should take possession of Wrangel Island, 400 miles
west of Alaska. V. Steffanson, explorer, interviewed the
dominion government yesterday. He will sail for England
next month to urge that the British government use the
island as a base for an aerial route to the Far East, both
it and England being on the 180th meridian. The Canadian
government will endorse the plan.
Steffanson, who is a Canadian born, but a naturalized
American is desirous that the Island should not fall into
the hands of Russia, to which it is most adjacent. If
Canada or Great Britain does not move, he will urge the
United States to do so.
The Island was discovered by the British in 1849, was
occupied by Americans in 1881, and again by Steffanson's
party in 1914. The Canadian government may establish a
post there."
"July 30, 1923: May Seize Wrangel Island. The Russian
Soviet government In Siberia Is outfitting a vessel at
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