Minutes_-_1949 08_19th





District Council of Lincoln 19 Aug 1949 Minutes of Meeting held on 19th Aug 1949

Present Crs, P. Woods (chair) ST Baillie, KW Ford, HJ Freeman, WG Morgan, DK Speed, & AC Trestnail; also Clerk AJ Baylor & Overseer RW Doudle.

Minutes of previous meeting as typed confirmed. Motion by Crs Freeman & Speed

Financial statement showed a credit of £ 1306.8.4

Correspondence Re Loan Instalment Highways Dept advised the Machinery Loan Instalment would be increased from £175 to £187 as from 1st August including instalment on Commer. Utility recently purchased for £800. (on loan) and as Councils instalments are credited to 30 September there will be £24 arrears to pay to bring this payment uniform with the other debit - (This has been added to the August payment)

Remove Gravel Commissioner Highways with a copy of letter to Mr RW Pearson MP advising that the Contractors - Botham Bros. had been granted permission to remove 50 cyds gravel from Poonindie gravel pit for use in building New Prefab school at Pt Lincoln for Education Dept. Rec'd

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


The Division of Council Area _Refused Minister of Local Government, advising that further consideration has been given to the Petition for the division of Council area, and considers that Local Government generally would not benefit by such division into two Seperate Councils and therefore he could not recommend that it be divided into 2 areas. Received Camp Site. Director of Lands advised that L Rough of Cummins had been granted a lease of a camp site at Mt Dutton Bay adjoining Section 230 Hd Lake W for 1 year from 1st August 1949. Rec'd Bitumen Highways Dept Account for Supply of 60 drums bitumen for use on Main Street Cummins : and shipping Charges £194-2-3. Re Galvanised Iron for Conveniences Director of Building Materials advised that owing to the extreme shortage of Supplies, - the request for iron for the erection of Public Privy Conveniences at Cummins Recreation Ground, cannot be granted and suggest using "Cement Tiles". Clerk to advise Secretary. Subdivision Plans 768/49 and 154/49 approved. Town Planner wrote again & returned plans Nos 768/49 and 154/49 with width of streets altered from 40 ft to 66ft as requested for Council approval as soon as possible, so that portion of the land can be made available to the Housing Trust. Clerk reported that as the alterations required by the Council were made on the plans - the approval of same was duly signed by Chairman & Clerk and returned to Town Planner. Re Height of Elect Light Wires Engineering Branch, GPO Adelaide re height of Electric Light Wires at Cummins, which should be 20 ft from ground levelClerk replied quoting Clause in Council Agreement with Cummins Electric Supply which gave the Height along Streets as 16ft and across Streets 18ft duly signed & Agreed to in 1839 Re Underground phone cable PMG Departement gave notice of the laying of U.G. Cables at the following places North end of Railway Yard at Yeelanna Commencing on 29.8.49 Along Railway Terrace Cummins Commencing 1.9.49 Along Railway Terrace and Walkom Street Cummins, Commencing 1-9-49 Received.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


Re Telegraph Line Little Swamp Engineering Branch GPO Adelaide - re cutting trees at Little Swamp and suggestion that if the pole line be moved the cost of same be borne by this Council - "Council suggestion was that the Cable be put underground Council could not pay cost of removing Pole Line. Land for Aerodrome Louth Acting Crown Solicitor of Commonwealth Advising the Compulsory Acquisition of 24.3.6 of portion of Section 113 Hd Louth from JAD Berryman on 9.6.49 which is not now ratable. Read Land for Postal Yeelanna. Also letter 11-8-49 No 002653. Advising the Compulsory Acquisition of Lot 18 Bellwood at Yeelanna from Iris Smith for Postal purposes as from 26.8.49. Received. S.S. Lands Unoccupied Not ratable Director of Lands stating land comprised in Assessments Nos 285 and 554 have not been occupied since the date that A.G. Strudwicks lease terminated. 31.1.49 and were not then ratable (Rates for the 5 months to be struck out) Land for Road refused. Messrs DA & ID Hill. Statying they could not let the Council have any land from Blockc 3 of Sec 3a Cummins for widening the road as suggested by the Council. Elect Light Disrupted Cummins. manager Cummins Electric Supply Stating that owing to a breakdown in one engine in nthe Power House, the lighting of the Town has been disrupted, and parts of the Town Supply has to be cut at peak periods and he is still waiting for Spare Parts from Queensland. received. Re Closing Roads portion of Winters Hill PL Kelly on behalf of A.E.Will and Metrop Wholesale Meat Coy made application for a number of roads that are of no use through the WEinters Hill property and Elkan Road for Councils approval to these being closed and sold to the applicants all in Hd Lincoln. This was held over for inspection and report to Council.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


Re Gravelling Mortlock St Cummins A & H Society requested that the road, Mortlock St be gravelled before the Cummins Show- This being the road to Show Ground, and also that the other entrance - Ponton Grove be repaired particularly where there are some large holes Overseer to have something done. Re Commer Utility Commercial Motor Vehicles Ltd with invoices and registration Certificate & Free service Certificate in connexion with Commer Utility recently purchased from them. Total Cost including Shipping and registration being £808.3.9 of which £800 was paid by Highways Dept. Occupiers of property The following applied to have their names inserted in the Assessment Book as Occupiers of the stated properties - Woolford AAG. Section 21 Hd Mitchell and Secs 2 & 4 Hd Ulipa Rodgers RJ Pt Section 27 Hd Mitchell Hinton AH. Section 21 Hd Shannon Prop Cr Freeman} Sec Cr Trestrail} That the above requests be granted and their names entered as occupiers. Carried. Re Phone Line across Road Hyde BS. requested permission to erect a telephone line across the road between Sections 150 and 159 Hd Lincoln Prop Cr Ford Sec Cr Woods That permission be granted subject to Regulations and Post & Telegraphs Act. Carried Netting & Gates across Road Murchison M requested permission to put netting across the North end of the road between Sections 74 and 3 Hd Mortlock and he will erect a 12ft Iron gate and 21 ft Netting gate on the West Side. Prop Cr Ford Sec Cr Trestrail} That the request be granted. Carried. Re Widening Arthur St Heath EJ. Requesting information in reference to Councils intention re widening the road - Arthur St, past his property Lot 25. Advise Contact Cr Trestrail.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


19 Aug 1949 Re Control of Noxious weeds Secy Stockowners Assoc of SA Pt Lincoln wrote requesting Council to investigate fully the practibility of using Modern Spray equipment with weedicide in the controlo of weeds on Roads. Received. Objections to Removal of Council Office. Walter LJC to Cr Baillie protesting against the transfer of Council Office from Pt Lincoln to Cummins and suggesting Wanilla would be more central, also that a Poll of ratepayers should first be held to decide the question. Also from McDonald DK protesting against the removal without a Poll if Ratepayers. Clerk to advise both that from advice received a Poll cannot be taken on this matter, which is in the hands of the Council to decide. Re Ramp WT Wright Wright WT. asking if it is compulsory for him to erect a ramp on the road leased by him where he has provided 2 gates. reply Not compulsory unless ordered by the Council. Road to be closed Hd Shannon Skipworth GN. Requesting that the road through Section 21 Hd Shannon be closed Prop Cr Freeman Sec Cr Trestrail } That Council agree to this road being closed. Carried Transfers Land Registrars General of Deeds advised the following Transfers of Land had been Registered.1760/57 Simmons LA To Whitehead BP Block E PtSubdiv Sec 16 Hd Lincoln. 831/99. 1995/15 Kelly PL To Metropolitan Wholesale Meat Coy. Winters Hill Property Secs in Hd Lincoln. 2033/11 Blacker WR To Corey KM Lot 45 of Blk 1 of Sec 3a Cummins. 906/40 Coffey EM To Coffey FJ Secs 62.63 Suburban to Edillilie 1619/33 Jones LG To Smith Iris then Compulsory Acquired by Commonwealth Govt for Postal purposes Lot 18 Bellwood - Yeelanna Prop Cr Baillie Sec Cr Speed } That Clerk enter the above alterations in the Assessment Book. Carried Nat Safety Council. Road Safety issues & information 1-3-49

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman
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