




Minutes of Meeting held Janry 15th 1915 Present Cr Jas O'Shanahan in the Chair Crs Hall, Hartley, Garrett & Puckridge. Minutes of Previous meeting read & Confirmed. Balance Sheet. The Balance Sheet of General Funds Main Road a/c Account A. Wire netting account. Wire netting Purchase account & Building Funds for the year ending Dec 31st 1914 was presented & read by the Chairman. Cr O'Shanahan Pro & Cr Puckridge Seconded That the Balance Sheets as read be adopted. carried.

Financial Statements for the month were read by the Chairman.

Band. Letter received from Secretary Flinders Brass Band Stating that the band were not prepared to meet a deposition from the Council. Also a letter of later date asking to withdraw the former letter & that delegates from the Band would meet the Councillors on Friday Janry 15th at 10 o'clock am.

Tie Up Posts Letter from F.S.Johnson asking permission to erect tie up posts on edge of footpath at Cummins. Moved by Cr Hall. That the request be granted 2nd by Cr Puckridge. Carried.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


Wire nett A/cs letters received from F Radford. RM Faehse W Habner & Clutterbuck Bros, Re Wire Netting Instalments.

Rates Letter from O.B. Havelberg stating that rates would be paid in one months time.

louth Rd Letter from Varley & Evan re deviation of Road in Hd Louth Also letter from WAA West, stating that the late And Tennants Trustees would be prepaired to consent to the clearing of the old road and opening the new one conditionally on the Council handing over a clear title for the Land contained in the present road, Free of charges & paying £15- compensation: or by paying £5 compensation. & undertaking to remove there Vermin Proof fencing from the present road to the new line. Moved by Cr Puckridge, That the Council pays the 15/-/- as outlined in the Trustees letter. Seconded by Cr Hall. Carried.

Letter From C Dorward Re bad state of mail; road near Green Patch & other places. Resolved that the overseer attend to same.

Letter From Secretary Yeelanna Vigilant Committee Re Railway Hopper on road at Yeelanna Clerk to notify Authorities that same must be removed.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


J Jenkins. Letter from Mr Jenkins asking the Council to accept his resignation as Workman. Motion. Moved by CR Garrett. That the resignation be accepted & that the present arrangements be left over till next meeting. Sec by Cr Hartley. Carried Resolved that the 2 Town Councillors & Clerk formulate some scheme for the better workings of Street Cleaning & Lamp Lighting.

Pillana rd. Letter from Crown Lands office asking if the porposed road along South Boundaries of Blks 28 & 29 Hd Cum had been abanded. Clerk to reply stating that on account of heavy sand the above mentioned road had been abanded.

Letter from Crown Lands Office stating that it had been reported that the new Rd to Hospital had not been started. Clerk stated that a reply had been sent informing the Com that the road would be completed within the specified time.

A/c A Grant. Letter from Crown Lands office stating that £1000 had been granted to roads in newly settled Hd's & that the money would be available as work proceeded.

Wire. from JG Moseley Re Grant for A/c A.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


Main Rd Grant Memo from Crown Lands office stating that Balance of 1914/15 Main Rd Grant had been paid to the Councils Cr at the Bank of Australasia Port Lincoln.

Insurance Letter from Queensland Insurance Co. Stating that the Policy of Employers Liability had run out. Moved by Cr Hartley . That the policy be renewed Seconded by Cr Puckridge. Carried

Rd Hd Lincoln Letter from Mr P.S.Sinclair stating that the track through Section 114N Hd Lincoln was being fenced off & asked that the road along the Boundaries of Sects 114N . 115N & 114S be made fit for traffic. Moved by Cr Garrett. That the noverseer reports on same at the next meeting 2nd by Cr Hartley. Carried

Cr Hartley handed in a letter from Sec to Defence Department. Stating that the Dept had not received the resoluation regarding the destruction of the German Cruised Emden. from the Council. Clerk produced a copy of Letter which had been sent on 29th of November 1914.

Wire netting Applications From Cronin Bros for 3 miles of 42" x 1½ x 18g netting also Application from Thos Sampson for 2 miles of 36 x 1½ x 18g for BLK 29 Hd Mitchell. Clerk to reply stating that there was a liability on this land & if the present owner was prepaired to recognize this. The other loan would be granted.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


Councillors Sand on Rd 2 & 8 Cum Mr Harder sought permission to clear the road between his property & the Railway permission Granted.

Councillor Hall asked that 3 chains of sand be removed from off Rd between Blk 2 & 8 Hd Cum. Overseer to have the work done.

Councillor Hartley asked for information regarding Chapmans Rd.

Cr Garrett Moved that the sustenance Fees on Impounded Stock be increased from 9d to 1/6 per day. Also That overseer reports at the next meeting, The cost of having water laid on the to Pound Yard. Sec by Cr Hartley. Carried

Resolved that Clerk obtain copys of the new Dist Councils Act.

Moved by Cr Garrett. That the overseer be empowered to Clear a track from Kirton Point to Salt Creek also to connect on to Liverpool St request Granted.

Resolved that the overseer reports on the road from Tulka to Wanna beach at the next meeting.

Cr Garrett drew attention to the proposed Boat Shed on the beach.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman
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