Board Meeting, April 11, 1996 Page 1
HMP Board Meeting 4/11/96
Members Present - Glenda, Mary Beth, Jeanne, Chris, Bob, Kim, Jan
Meeting called to order 7:15
Minutes were distributed by the Secretary. She is to be notified of any errors.
Newsletter Joe Pendleton working on Newsletter, wants photos of neighborhood cleanup, since he has a digitizer. He also wants pictures of last year's Art Fair & others as appropriate Good Photographers Brent Smith Brack Howard Steve Obereicht (Kim has his number)
Needs any articles this week
Next Membership Meeting will be Working Session for Art Fair Already has 3 properties on West will be rennovated, article sent in already
Joe Pendleton 1621 N. Delaware
Need to recognise Linda Perdue's contribution
Other articles: Tree Planting.
Board Meeting, April 11, 1996 Page 2
Talbott Street Art Fair Glenda Met with Dean & Facilities & Ground person, Mr. Ruhif Dean told F & G to give us full support
Indianapolis Foundation has purchased Herron Art School & will move in (Art School will move to old Law School at IVPUF campus in year 2000)
Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. will handle all permits as a package
Need help for Duke on Lemonaide stand - will ask Wilma to decide
Cleanup Call the weekend before - do flyer for board to distribute if not enough response
Jeanne will help w/ breakfast I need letterhead Need article in Newsletter about June 1st Cleanup
HUNT 2 new CDC's, 1 around Marott & 1 around Circle Center Mall area (so they don't have to pay Federal money back) HVNI will have a representative on the board for downtown
Crime Prevention 2050 N. Alabama had info on seller of stolen property 1515 N. College stolen staircase & doors were found at Tim & Billy's & seized by Police
Al Olsen will try to match vacant house list from court with breakin list & investigate
Board Meeting, April 11, 1996 Page 3
Abe Adejare wants to buy one of the Historic Landmarks involvement houses on Talbot - If this happens, HL will receive house on N. New Jersey
IHPC Issue of Citizen's Has concrete vs brick
Chris moved & Jan Sec - that HMP's Board's position be that any alley work be replaced with brick
Chris Carnish will build his own house just north of Gloria O'Shell's 1901-3 N. N Jersey Will go before Commission by May 1st
His house at 16th & Alabama will be done by Memorial Day
Jeanne moved & Bob Seconded to support IHPC's position
Notice in Old North Side Newsletter that HMP has returned to higher level of applications
Treasurers Report Pres & Sec were given corrected copies of previous Treas Reports Current Treas Report distributed to everyone & accepted by acclaimation
Picnic Need someone to organize
Board Meeting, April 11, 1996 Page 4
Tree Planting Proceding, Mary has mailed letters to property owners
Trees will be bare rooted
Discussed Police action shooting of Bank Robber in stolen car
Mary Byrne upset because they ran over lilies
Next Board Meeting Wed May 15th 7pm
Meeting adjourned 8:54 pm