Board Meeting, April 11, 1996 Page 2



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Talbott Street Art Fair
Glenda Met with Dean & Facilities & Ground person, Mr. Ruhif
Dean told F & G to give us full support

Indianapolis Foundation has purchased Herron Art School &
will move in (Art School will move to old Law School at IVPUF
campus in year 2000)

Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. will handle all permits as a package

Need help for Duke on Lemonaide stand - will ask Wilma
to decide

Call the weekend before - do flyer for board to distribute
if not enough response

Jeanne will help w/ breakfast I need letterhead
Need article in Newsletter about June 1st Cleanup

2 new CDC's, 1 around Marott & 1 around Circle Center
Mall area (so they don't have to pay Federal money back)
HVNI will have a representative on the board for downtown

Crime Prevention
2050 N. Alabama had info on seller of stolen property
1515 N. College stolen staircase & doors were found
at Tim & Billy's & seized by Police

Al Olsen will try to match vacant house list from court
with breakin list & investigate

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