Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986



Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 1

Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 1

Herron Morton Place Association Board Meeting: Special Meeting with Vicky Sandstead April 15th, 1986

The meeting was brought to order at 7 PM at the home of Linda Brooks.

While waiting for Vicky to arrive Brent told us of the meeting he attended with representatives of the Herron Art School: the school may not move till 1991 or 1992, the grad school may stay on its present site, and the school is very interested to work with us to lessen the negative effects the move may have on the neighborhood. The Foundry will be fixed up and expanded this summer. A small committee will be set up to study issues and derive alternatives for building and property use.

DISCUSSION: Our discussion with Vicky centered on how our guidelines as developed by our committee can fit into what IHPC can do.

It was suggested that IHPC develop a policy allowing certain types of fences automatically, including chain-link with vinyl coating, and roll-type wire fences on wooden posts, without any necessary staff approval — others with approval. Vicky insisted that front yard fences, or those that parallel the street, meet

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 2

Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 2


have staff approval.

We went on to discuss removal of trees, landscape ornamentation, new development, awnings, mailboxes, lighting outdoors, paint colors, and extensive exterior rehabilitation. It was necessary for us to concede on several small issues, but we realized and were concerned that these issues are very important to many people in the neighborhood. IHPC is adamant on these issues because they believe them to be very important to the overall impression a neighborhood gives, and they directly and indirectly affect the "preservation and restoration" of buildings; the looks of the buildings being preserved and the neighborhood can be greatly affected by too many concessions.

Vicky went on to explain to us the workings of the Commission. The full Commission meets once a month. This is what must be brought before them:

1. All new construction except ancillary (garages and sheds) 2. All land use (restrictions and zoning) 3. Demolition of historic (50 yrs or more) structures 4. Certificates of Authorization (exceptions to the rules).

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Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 3


Certification from an officer cannot be granted for 5 working days, giving enough time for neighbors to appeal a decision.

Certification from a full hearing is granted on the day following a hearing.

Staff approvals in the office or in the field are given on any day, including weekends; if the staff member doesn't agree, we have the automatic right to take it to the full commission; if this fails, you have 30 days to file a Writ of Certiary in the District Court.

Findings of Fact are published automatically on denials.

The commission is being pressured to charge fees; a fee schedule has been developed: $5.00 per $1000 of work — Building permit flat $50.00 for most types of work. A flat fee of $10.00 has been proposed for staff approvals.

Garages and land use decisions would require fees.

Historic Structures used as single family dwellings and hardship cases would not be subject to fees.

Substantial fines ($500?) might be levied for work done without permit or regard to regs.

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Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 4

Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 4


The fees are not instituted now, but are a possibility for the future.

MOTION: Dick Oberreich 2nd: John Carter That we approve the purchase of a set of historic paint books by the Association for our resource center, including Devoe, and "Century of Color", up to a cost of $75.00. — MOTION PASSED

The contract for streetscapes (photographs) will not be let until fall, and must be approved by the Commission this time.

MOTION: Linda Brooks 2nd: Vicki Moyes That we approve an amount not to exceed $499 to cover expenses incurred with the annual flower sale. — MOTION PASSED.

Dick Oberreich read the Articles of incorporation and the Federal statute they are based on. He said "We do not have the authority to own property, but I recommend that we amend them (the articles) — we are strictly for social purposes".

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 5

Board Meeting Special, April 15, 1986 Page 5


Brent will compile a list of corrections to John Liells address/property list upon which his survey is based.

Our next meeting is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of May.

MOTION: Linda Brooks 2nd: Dave Stahl To adjourn the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 PM.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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