The fees are not instituted now, but are
a possibility for the future.
MOTION: Dick Oberreich
2nd: John Carter
That we approve the purchase of a set of
historic paint books by the Association
for our resource center, including Devoe,
and "Century of Color", up to a cost of
The contract for streetscapes (photographs)
will not be let until fall, and must be
approved by the Commission this time.
MOTION: Linda Brooks
2nd: Vicki Moyes
That we approve an amount not to exceed
$499 to cover expenses incurred with the
annual flower sale. — MOTION PASSED.
Dick Oberreich read the Articles of incorporation
and the Federal statute they are based on. He
said "We do not have the authority to own
property, but I recommend that we amend
them (the articles) — we are strictly for
social purposes".
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