We have chosen Dewitt S. Morgan to succeed Paul C. Stetson as Superintendent of the Indianapolis Public Schools. No one at all familiar with our school system and its history could fail to realize the outstanding ability he has displayed in each capacity in which he has served over a period of more than twenty years at Arsenal Technical Schools, first as a teacher; then as assistant principal; and for the last seven years as principal. His administrative capacity has been amply demonstrated as head of that large institution where he has been in direct charge of more than ten per cent of the entire school population of Indianapolis, more than one-third of our entire high school population, and approximately fifteen per cent of the entire teaching staff of our school city. His work there has been recently recognized by Depauw University, which conferred upon him a doctor's degree at the last commencement. His standing as an educator is further indicated by the fact that he has repeatedly been chosen to teach educational and administrative courses at the summer sessions of various universities and colleges, and is so engaged at Indiana University at the present time. He knows, and is favorably known by, the people of this community and the Indianapolis teaching staff. He is thoroughly familiar with the requirements of our school system and with the program instituted and so admirably carried forward to this point by Mr. Stetson. No educator, however able, obtained elsewhere, could conceivably acquire the benefit of this knowledge and acquaintance until after the lapse of a considerable period of time.
However, notwithstanding our immediate appreciation of Mr. Morgan's qualifications for this appointment, we felt that the matter of the selection of a superintendent was so important to the welfare of this community that no action should be taken until a canvas of all
-2available material had been made and studied. In this connection we have been fortunate in having the privilege of consulting with leading educators in various parts of the country, both with reference to the qualifications of available men and with reference to our particular needs and the advisable policy to follow. We have received numerous applications both from within and without the State of Indiana, and have studied the qualifications of each applicant. In addition, we have received numerous recommendations with reference to men in all parts of the country who have not applied. These recommendations have been investigated and studied in each instance. A substantial amount of correspondence has been carried on with a number of candidates and several have been personally interviewed.
From this investigation we have arrived at the opinion that taking into consideration the advantages of appointing a man thoroughly familiar with our school system no one so adequately meets our requirements as Mr. Morgan. We have attached much importance to the steady and smooth continuation of the present system without substantial renovations and turnovers. The situation has changed greatly since the appointment of Mr. Stetson. A new system was then a necessity. It was inaugurated and under his wise leadership we have steadily advanced, and are now advancing. Out greatest need is for a man who can continue that advance along similar lines, with no major interruptions. We have every confidence that Dr. Morgan can and will do this. His character, integrity and sound judgment are beyond question. His appointment places the leadership of our school system in safe and sure hands. (Signed) Alan W. Boyd Carl Wilde Mrs. Mary D. Ridge John F. White Earl Buchanan Board of School Commissioners