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3 revisions
Matchbook at Apr 23, 2020 07:26 PM


[Writing in another language] "Friendship among selfish people is great in the beginning but diminishes gradually. Among the unselfish it takes the opposite course. The former is like our shadow in the forenoon: the latter like our shadow in the afternoon" [Viveland R. Gandle?] May 26, 1898 Bombay, India

[Writing in another language]

"Friendship among selfish people is great
in the beginning but diminishes gradually.
Among the unselfish it takes the opposite
course. The former is like our shadow
in the forenoon: the latter like our shadow
in the afternoon"

[Viveland R. Gandle?]
May 26, 1898
Bombay, India


[Writing in another language] "Friendship among selfish peoplee is great in the beginning but diminishes gradually. Among the unselfish it takes the opposite course. The former is like our shadow in the forenoon: the latter like our shadow in the afternoon" [Viveland R. Gandle?] May 26, 1898 Bombay, India

[Writing in another language]

"Friendship among selfish peoplee is great in the beginning but diminishes gradually. Among the unselfish it takes the opposite course. The former is like our shadow in the forenoon: the latter like our shadow in the afternoon"

[Viveland R. Gandle?]
May 26, 1898
Bombay, India