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So this is as far as I can see my way - that public opinion
should be educated to forbid individuals or institutions of neutral states
to subscribe to belligerent loans.

I was thinking that the war must be remarked upon
in the Conference at Berlin, and I was wondering if you
were going to bring forward this particular point.

I am sorry that I so crudely asked you about your
feelings towards the Canadians - I meant perhaps something more
like this. The Americans have come to stand alone, they attained
to that position through much heroism, they now feel that it
would be a sort of intolerable disloyalty to their fathers and themselves
to do anything but maintain that they are better as they are; rather
the reverse is the case with the Canadians. So it is rather like
this - the real prosperity of Canada to the extend that it exists, is a living
criticism of the American resolution, and the real prosperity of the United
States, to the extent that it is exists, is a living criticism of the Canadian position.

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