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Status: Needs Review

APR 13, 1901

13th April, 1901.

Mrs. May Wright Sewall,

Dear Mrs. Sewall,

I owe you a thousand apologies for not hav-
ing written to you before. I thank you for your kind letter
about my son's wife, and for everything else. Alfred write
me from San Francisco, saying that you want more particulars
about the International Union. I send you separately half a
dozen copies of the pamphlet, which you will find explains
things. Mr. Milholland, who is by far the most active mem-
ber that we have, will be in New York, I expect, very short-
ly, and will endeavour to form an American group there.
Dr, Montcure Conway is too much disheartened by the pre-
vailing Jingoism which has submerged America to try to do
anything. He will not even endeavour to get us information
as to the atrocities that have been taking place in the Phil-
ippines or the American evidence as to what has been done
in China. Before you get this, we shall have constituted
our English National Group, I think, and have got fairly to
work. I also send you separately the circulars which have
been sent out which are merely useful as illustrating the
modus operandi.

The Provisional Committee in Paris, as you will
see, is purely provisional, of people who were in Paris or
in the neighborhood, or who could be communicated with
rapidly. Dr. Montcure Conway transferred himself to Amer-
ica since he was appointed, and he has once or twice indicat-
ed his desire to withdraw on the ground that the Governments
are so hopelessly bad nothing can be done with them.

Mme Selenka is very anxious that the 18th of
May should be celebrated everywhere by women. You remember
you had a great success two years ago, when the Congress met
It is expected that the Hague Tribunal will open then, and
it will be an excellent idea if the women in every country
can be done to get celebrations in the capitals in the shape
of a banquet to the arbitrators, or something of the kind.
Mme. Selenka will be extremely glad to have your opinion as
to what could be done in the matter. You will find the

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