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Status: Complete


[All lines below crossed out]
FAUT Wm & Magd. Adams 24 Aug 1806
Favorite, Abraham & Elizab Shroyack 15 Dec 1807
Fein, Peter & Cath. Margt. Bennet 2 May 1786 
Ferguson Dan'l & Charity Custom (Fred Co) 14 Je 1785
Ferrel Wm & Mary Bums 10 Aug 1800
Filius Jos & Eliz. Schlicker 15 Ap 1798
Filson, Sam'l & Mary Cooper 1 Apr 1800
Finkbohner, John & Sus. Brucker 5 Aug 1788
Fishback, John & Lydia O Bonner _ July 1809
Fitzgerald, John & Mary Phelps  _ Oct 1800
Fleming, Caleb & Allen (c) Blummer 19 Apr 1809 
Fleming, Sam'l & Elizab. Reynolds 24 Dec 1801 
Flick, Andw. & An. Magd. Reichardt 12 June 1768
Flick, Jacob & Eliza. Koblentz 4 May 1790
Flora, David & Mary Ann Lambert 23 Dec 1829
Fluck, John & Eliz. Schreiger 5 Apr 1801
Fluck, Mat. & Cath. Jung 15 Ja 1787
Fluck, Peter & Mary Hans 9 Jy 1797
Fluheart, Step. & Eliza Randel 22 Nov 1785
Fluke, Henry & Hannah Castle 21 Nov. 1801
Farquhar, Robt. & Eliza. Dodson 19 My 1789

Notes and Questions

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AI Assist is quite an interesting new feature on FTP. On the first page, I used it to show the detected text, transcribed that text, and then made corrections. The correction step was akin to doing a page review of a transcription that had more than the occasional error.

On the next page. I used the AI Assist to, copy and paste the generated text, and then made corrections. I found that the copied text did not always align the text into the correct line in the record. I had to shuffle generated text some to correct it.

Not sure how much time (if any) was saved with either technique. I am leaning towards the technique I used the first time since shuffling word order adds a layer of effort and time.

Regardless, the feature has good potential to help. Especially, if the feature/capability improves over time either within a project, or over all projects. I am quite impressed with the ability to read the handwriting. I would love to see this feature in action on other projects. I wonder if this is a feature with a cost for the project owner?

Megan Kean

Thank you for your feedback on the AI Assist! We are a part of the beta test for this feature, and is not an extra cost at this time. I agree that it's not perfect but does provide a good starting point. I personally don't have issue reading the handwriting and find that it's faster to type it up without AI Assist, but it may be helpful to others with less experience or with different handwriting samples.