Page 45
[Text is crossed out]
Fortuey Dav. + Elizab Lewis 6 May 1800
Fox Uriah + Grace Sedwith 18 Ap 1794
French, Otho + Eliz. Anderson 18 Feb 1802
Frey, Dan'l + Elizab. Christ 19 No 1793
Frey, Nicholas + Catherine Schmecter 20 Aug 1769
-> Fridshey, John + Barbara Hauer 18 May 1806
Fries, Michael + Cath. Grabiel 18 June 1799
Frizzel Lloyd T. + Seeny Turner 30 Jan 1800
Froehlich John + Solome Rothrock 19 Ja 1792
Fuchs Henry + Leah Zimmerman 18 Ja 1799
Fuchs John + Cath Fuchs 23 Ja 1791
Fuchs John + Cath. Simmons 18 Se 1798
Fuchs Peter + Bridget Ingen Hall 16 SE 1800
Fulton Geo. + Margt. Hedge 7 Je 1794
Fulton Robt + Barb. Balzell 11 Mch 1794
Fultz Philip + Cath. Shafer (or Shoster) 30 Mch 1812
Fyers Joseph + Anna M. Dommer 3 Au 1762
Gaber David + Mary Beiser 21 Feb 1805
GACH John + Eliza Schnoog 25 Mch 1806
Gapes Thos + Jan Elizab. McVicker 1 Ap 1833
GARMNIE, Andrew + Anna Elizab. (No name) 15 Jan 1759
Notes and Questions
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Should this page be marked as a blank page since all the entries are crossed out? This was my first thought when looking at this project/page. After browsing other transcribed pages, looks like crossed out text should be transcribed (some other FTP projects say not to transcribe). Did the collection owner say why all of the entries were crossed out? Seems like a big "oops" if the notebook was worthy of saving.
It would be so nice if the Digital Maryland facility could support using page markups like "strikeout", "underline", etc. I realize that could be infeasible. The facility is still very useful as it stands, and I appreciate it so.
The names may be crossed out because they were rewritten or checked against something in one of the later notebooks, but I'm not sure, so we're transcribing everything just in case. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of background on this collection, and nothing to say why these were crossed out.
I agree about the text formatting! It is one of the (many) limitations of our current asset management software we are unhappy with. We are considering changing platforms, but it's a matter of funding and weighing the cost/benefits of migrating.