Spread 116




Status: Complete

Year: 1931

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Frederick Owens New York City St.Joseph'sHospl. N.Y.C. C. Schuman 21 August 28 Rachel Frazier 913 Morris St Rachel Frazier Phthysis
Charles Jones 1811 Vine St 1811 Vine St F. Norwood 44 October 31 Francis Hill 1811 Vine St Francis Hill Pulmonary Edema
Sarah Curtis 674 W. Fairmount Ave 674 W. Fairmount Ave H. F. Brown 77 November 4 Hasrriett Curtis 674 W. Fairmount Ave Harriett Curtis Cerebral Hemorrhage
Iola Lee 1808 N. Mount St 1808 N. Mount St B. M. Rhetta 41 October 31 Thos. H. Lee 1808 N. Mount St Thos. H Lee Cerebral Apoplexy
Jos. Jenkins 1417 Orleans St Good Shepherd Gen'l Hospt. W. R. Boykin 61 November 5 Arthur W. Jenkins 137N. 57th St, Phila Pa. Arthur W. Jenkins Hemiplegia
Frank Moody 1611 E. Monument St 1611 E. Monument St W. L. Berry 53 November 6 Lelia Moody 1611 E. Monument St Lelia Moody Bronchial Asthma
Venus Atkins Jones 514 Sanford Pl. 514 Sanford Pl B. M. Rhetta 48 November 4 Venus Brown Young 514 Sanford Pl Venus Brown Young Cancer of Uterus
Thomas Soden 1721 D. Hill Ave 1721 D. Hill Ave J. G. McRae 40 November 5 Irene Soden 1721 D. Hill Ave Irene Soden Cardio Renal Disease
Margaret Titus 1322 Stocktin St Sydenham Hospital J. Peter Meranchi 7 November 6 James Titus 1322 Stocktin St James Titus Meningococcie Meningitis
Samuel H. Smith 1153 McElderry St 1153 McElderry St G. S. Allen 48 November 6 Mary Stanley 1153 McElderry St Mary Stanley Lobar Pneumonia
Alberta Patman Williams 2503 Morgan St 2503 Morgan St. G. N. Cromwell 39 November 6 William Ball 2503 Morgan St William Ball Carcinoma of Bones
Maggie Ambros 1228 W Lafayette Ave 1228 W Lafayette Ave B. Thatcher 30 November 7 [Lanson-?] M. Harrison Alma / P. Morton Jenkins / Chase undertaker Pulmonary Phthisis
Maria E. Waters Princess Anne Md Princess Anne Md E. G. Marksman 54 November 1 Anthony Waters Princess Anne Md Anthony Waters Myocarditis
Ernest Herbert 1144 N. Stricker St Provident Hospital Geo. E McDonald 51 October 30 Mattie Herbert 1144 N. Stricker St Mattie Herbert Cardiac Failure
Josephine Williams 2533 Madison Ave Provident Hospital F. C. Link 51 October 23 Hiram Grandlodge 1622 Mad. Ave Floyd Clarke 1st & 2nd degree Burns
Chuncey Manokey 549 Bloom St Balti City Hospital J. G. Arnold Jr. 40 October 22 Heziah Burton 32 Winters Ave Heziah Burton Septicemia
Wm. McLane McLane 1321 Myrtle Ave Provident Hospital J. P. M. Higgins 60 November 5 Eva McLane 1321 Myrtle Ave Eva McLane Cerebral Hemorrhage
Annie [Brisine?] 745 Wilmer Ct. 745 Wilmer Ct John H Tompkins 55 November 12 Mary Berry 745 Wilmer Ct. Mary Berry Uremia
Lillian Potter 2129 Etting St Johns Hopkins Hospt. Paul S Hill Jr. 39 November 11 James Potter 2129 Etting St James Potter Myocardial Insufficiency, Uremia
Edward Byrd Crisfield Md Crisfield Md. W. J. Berkley 57 November 9 Priscilla Byrd Crisfield Md Priscilla Byrd Cystitis
Charles Sparks 726 Hanover St Provident Hospt. Geo. McDonald 48 November 15 Addie Green Sparks 726 Hanover St Addie Green Sparks Cardiac Failure
Lydia Wilson 1702 Division St 1702 Division St. W. F. [Neville?] 41 November 16 William Wilson 1702 Division St William Wilson Endocarditis, Nephritis
Wm. E. Camphor 307 N. Dallas St 307 N. Dallas St R. J. Young 18 November 14 Mary E Adley 307 S. Dallas St Mary E. Adley Tubercular Pneumonia
Walter Harris 915 N. Calhoun St 915 N. Calhoun St B. Fargo 38 November 15 Agnes Lathin 915 N. Calhoun St Agnes Lathin Broncho Pneumonia
Viola Taft 1546 Bruce St Balto City Hospital L. E. Little 34 November 17 Pearl Jones 1631 Laurens St Pearl Jones Acute Heart Failure

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entry #23 address of beneficiary is 307 S. Dallas St. while decedent is 307 N. Dallas St. Perhaps one is incorrect?

Megan Kean

It's definitely possible one of them is in error, but we have no way of knowing which one. Just transcribing the record as seen is the best we can do!