Spread 174




Status: Complete

year: 1934

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Mary A. Johnson 820 Harlem Ave 820 Harlem Ave L. C. Johnson 42 April 8 Ida Franklin Harman Md. Ida Franklin Cardiac Asthma
Edith Summerville 1419 W. Franklin St Provident Hospital Wm. Rogue 37 April 5 Mary Johnson 619 Pierce St Mary Johnson Lobar Pneumonia
Cora Rodgers 1633 Ellsworth St. John Hopkins Hospt. H. S. Heyl 27 April 5 Inez Rodgers 1633 Ellsworth St. Inez Rodgers Myocardial Failure
Robert Wilerson 22 N. Norris St. Franklin Square Hospt. Nathan Racusin 49 April 6 Katie Freeman 1013 W. Mulberry St. Katie Freeman Meningo-Encephalitis
Isabella Taylor Furnace Branch Furnace Branch Caldwell Woodruff 48 March 21 Nelson Taylor Furnace Branch Nelson Taylor Paralysis
David T. Wimms Poolesville Md. Poolesville Md. E. W. White 62 March 22 Katie Wimms Poolesville Md. Katie Wimms Myocarditis
Helen Spence 1022 N. Gilmore St. 1022 N. Gilmore St. F. Saunders 14 April 10 Nobie Spence 1022 N. Gilmore St. Nobie Spence Lobar Pneumonia
Thomas A. Welsh 703 N. Mount St. 703 N. Mount St. J. E. Fisher 45 April 6 Emma Welsh 703 N. Mount St. Emma Welsh Lobar Pneumonia
Wm. Baylor 2302 McCulloh St. Balto. City Hospital S. H. Garst 70 April 11 Mollie Baylor 2302 McCulloh St. Mollie Baylor Prostatic Hypertrophic
Wm. Baylor 2302 McCulloh St. Balto. City Hospital S. H. Garst 70 April 11 Susie Leonard 2302 McCulloh St. Susie Leonard Prostatic Hypertrophic
Alma Misty Brown 539 Mosher St. John Hopkins Hospt. J. S. H. Potter 31 April 12 Viola Bowles 1518 Arlington Ave. Viola Bowles Pulmonary Tuberculosis
William A. Edwards 784 Bradley St. Balto. City Hospt. T. P. Magill 62 April 13 Robert Edwards 637 N. Calhoun St. Robert Edwards Nephritis
Emma White Severna Park Severna Park J. J. Alexander 52 April 2 Jas. A. White Severna Park Jas. A. White Cerebral Embolism
John Winbush 1122 Bond St. Sydenham Hospital Harry Lachman 2 April 11 Olivia Diggs 1122 Bond St. Olivia Diggs Tuberculous Meningitis
McKinley Pitts 2026 Llewellyn Ave. 2026 Llewellyn Ave. W. H. Cargill 7 mo. April 9 Viola Pitts 2026 Llewellyn Ave. Viola Pitts Broncho-Pneumonia
Amelia Bailey Crisfield Md. Crisfield Md. W. J. Barkley 60 April 5 Charles E. Hearn Crisfield Md. Charles E. Hearn Mitral Insufficiency
Robert T. Galloway 416 N. Arlington Ave. Walter Reed Gen. Hospt. H. C. Bierbower 42 March 26 Florence Galloway 416 N. Arlington Ave. Florence Galloway Hypertension, Myocarditis
Thomas Taylor Meredithville Va. Meredithville Va. O. C. Page 52 April 7 Agnes A. Taylor 2452 Brentwood Ave. Agnes A. Taylor Valvular Heart Disease
Thomas Taylor Meredithville Va. Meredithville Va. O. C. Page 52 April 7 Linwood Taylor 2331 Guilford Ave. Linwood Taylor Valvular Heart Disease
Susie Berry 1027 W. Lexington St. John Hopkins Hospt. W. W. Greene 35 April 11 Susan Berry 1027 W. Lexington St. Susan Berry Broncho-Pneumonia
Mary Newby 705 Forrest St. 705 Forrest St. Sam'l Legum 56 April 16 Mary Taylor 1039 N. Carey St. Mary Taylor Cerebral Hemorrhage
Thomas A. Dodd 1047 N. Caroline St. 1047 N. Caroline St. R. J. Young 65 April 12 Susie V. Dodd 214 Bradhurst Ave., N.Y.C. Susie V. Dodd Nephritis
Arthur Woods Dickerson, Barnesville Md. Barnesville Md. Sam'l E. Hoke 63 March 30 Maggie Wood Barnesville Md. Maggie Wood Myocarditis
Helen Hayes 1428 Orleans St. John Hopkins Hospt. J. S. H. Potter 17 April 14 Roy Hayes 230 N. Dallas St. Roy Hayes Pulmonary Edema
Alice Nolan Poolesville Md. Poolsville Md. E. W. White 56 April 6 N. E. Clarke Poolsville Md. N. E. Clarke Myocarditis

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For the cause of death written on line 5, I'm not sure if "Paralysis" is written as an additional cause of death with Meningo-Encephalitis on line 4, or if it only belongs on line 5.