Spread 184




Status: Complete

year: 1934

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Bertha Sheppard 230 N. Arlington Ave. 230 N. Arlington Ave W.A. Novelle 42 August 20 Robert Sheppard 230 N. Arlington Ave. Robert Sheppard Cardiac Failure
Martha Watts 604 Connell St 604 Connell St F.E. Wagner 57 August 19 Jennie Mitchell 604 Connell St Jennie Mitchell Chronic Nephritis
York Williams Frankford Del. Millsboro Del. Francis Wilson 63 August 15 Sarah Williams Princess Ann, Md. Sarah Williams Kidney Disability
Wallace Lee 624 N. Biddle St Mercy Hospital T.A. Schwartz 15 August 20 Effie Lee 624 W. Biddle St Effie Lee Pulmonary Edemia
Danell Norris 610 S. Paca St City Hospital B.P. Herzog 61 August 22 William Norris 515 N. Fremont Ave. William Norris Bronchi Pneumonia
Maggie Gray 609 Brune St 609 Brune St H.K. Gorsuch 64 August 23 Louisa Bell 2570 McCulloh St. Louisa Bell Valvular Heart Disease
George R. Roane 334 Camel St 334 Camel St F.C. Link 48 August 23 Georgiana Edwards 2332 Madison Ave. Georgiana Edwards Cerebral Hemorhage
Nettie Bradford 523 N. Caroline St 523 N. Caroline St R.J. Young 35 August 8 Charles Bradford 523 N. Caroline St Charles Bradford Coronary Thrombosis
Jane Sarah Jones 1833 Orleans St Johns Hopkins Hospt. F.D. Schwarthia August 17 Nettie Goldstein 1833 Orleans St Nettie Goldstein Diarrhea Enteritis
Florence Butler 1024 D. Hill Ave 1024 D. Hill Ave Edw. K. Ballard 44 August 26 Maggie Blake 1024 D. Hill Ave Maggie Blake Arteriosclerosis
Mary Jones 809 N. Bruce St 809 N. Bruce St A. Lee Ellis 49 August 24 Watson White 809 N. Bruce St Watson White Cerebral Hemorrhage
Phelan Gordon 128 S. Bethel St 128 S. Bethel St J. Edw. Fisher 66 August 25 Florence Hawkins 128 S. Bethel St Florence Hawkins Valvular Heart Disease
Hattie Riley 727 Grindell St 727 Grindell St Otto M. Reinhardt 50 August 27 Christian Miss. Bapt. Church J.T. Huffin Cerebral Apoplexy
Edward Tobin 1344 N. Stricker St Balto. City Hospital T.P. Magill 42 August 27 Irene Hughes 719 N. Asquith St. Irene Hughes
Edward Tobin 1334 N. Stricker St Balto. City Hospital T.P. Magill 42 August 27 Maggie (Slaser) Lease 520 N. Central Ave. Maggie (Slaser) Lease Congestive Failure
Mary E. Newgoal 2332 McCulloh St Provident Hospital W.B. Higgins 45 August 26 Edward Newgoal 16 Hubbard Ave., Springfield, Mass. Edward Newgoal Bronchio Pneumonia
Mary E. Newgoal 2332 McCulloh St Provident Hospital W.B. Higgins 45 August 26 Essie P., Edward Colton, Newgoal 2332 McCulloh St, Spring, Mass. Essie P., Edward Colton, Newgoal Bronchio Pneumonia
Mary L. Thomas 317 E. 2nd St, Wilmington Del. Wilmington Del. E.W. Spence 87 August 23 Blanche Rosen 221 N. Schroeder St. Blanche Rosen Intestinal Gripp
Walter Gaskins Crisfield Md Crisfield Md. W.J. Barkley 56 August 29 Beverly Gaskins Crisfield Md Beverly Gaskins Nephritis Heart
Martha V. Lee Poolesville Md. Poolesville Md U.D. Nourse 72 August 16 Tillman Lee Poolesville Md. Tillman Lee Cerebral Hemorrhage
Martha V. Lee Poolesville Md. Poolesville Md. U.D. Nourse 72 August 16 Archie M. Lee Poolesville Md. Archie M. Lee Cerebral Hemorrhage
William Hill 1720 N. Mount St 1720 N. Mount St J.L. Valentine 48 September 2 Eva Moss 1720 N. Mount St Eva Moss Coronary Embolism
Leola Roberts 118 N. Bond St. Johns Hopkins Hospt. J.S.H. Potter 2 September 5 Minnie Roberts 608 N. Caroline St. Minnie Roberts Encephalitis
Benjamin Jackson 1212 E. Lexington St 1212 E. Lexington St A. Browne 32 September 2 Bertha Hall Jackson 1213 E. Lexington St Bertha Hall Jackson Bronchio Pneumonia
Charles H. Pulley 21 E. 115th St N.Y.C. Harlem Hospital, N.Y.C. R.M. Carey 55 September 1 Emma L. Jones 2422 Penna Ave. Emma L. Jones Heart Disease

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