Spread 233




Status: Complete

year: 1936

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Agnes Caleb 1526 E. Madison St. John Hopkins Hospt. Paul Schenker 11 June 11 Rosa Caleb 1526 E. Madison St. Rosa Caleb First & Second Degree Burns
Ernest Johns 7 Willard Pl. Montclair NJ Irving L. Ham 56 April 30 Cornelia B. Williams 1604 D. Hill Ave. Cornelia B. Williams Generalized Laryngo Bronchitis
Maria Beard 82 W. 20th St. Bayonne Hospt. Bayonne NJ D. J. Siff 65 May 26 Mary Louise Burke 1230 W. Lanvale St. Mary Louise Burke Curcular Fibrillation
Bright Reed 436 W. Hamburg 1010 Warner St O. M. Reinhardt 42 June 14 Priscilla Reed 436 Hamburg St. Priscilla Reed Acute Dilatation of Heart
Myrtle Miles Calton MD Union Hospital H. A. Cauldwell 43 June 11 Bessie B. Clark Caulton MD Bessie B. Clark Shock
Jerry Thomas Crisfield MD Crisfield MD N. J. Barkley 66 June 3 Charles E. Hearn Chrisfield MD Charles E. Hearn Mitral Insufficiency
Alberta Nuller Nanticoke MD Nanticoke MD D. A. Field 59 June 8 Hillary Wallace Nanticoke MD Hillary Wallace Coronary Embolism
Lucille Johnson 242 N. Pine St. 242 N. Pine St G. F. Allen 42 June 15 Henry Johnson 2421 N. Pine St. Henry Johnson Cerebral Apoplexy
John Jacobs 1424 E. Chase St. 1424 C Chase St G. F. Allen 53 May 28 Florence Batts 1424 E. Chase Florence Batts Acute Lobar Pneumonia
Clarence Oliver 529 W. Lafayette Ave. Provident Hospital B. Harris 48 June 13 Ethel Oliver 529 Lafayette Ave. Ethel Oliver Lobar Pneumonia
Alice Chase 2204 Penna Ave. 2204 Penna Ave. N. C. Link 40 June 16 Rosa E. Chase 2204 Penna Ave. Rosa E. Chase Mitral Insufficency
George Wilson 2015 Mad. Ave. Mercy Hospital C. B. Wallace 54 June 12 Carlton Wilson 1409 Ashland Ave. Carlton Wilson Acute Cardiac Dilatation
Ivory Mercheson 518 E. Prichin St. Durham NC A. S. Campbell 31 May 11 Susie Messenburg 401 Calhoun St. Susie Messenbury Died Suddenly
Wm Warrington Leonardtown MD Leonardtown MD F. A. Camalier 50 Mar 22 Mamie C. Bankins 424 N. Bruce St. Mamie E. Bankins General Hemmorhage
Wesley Doram Chestertown MD Route 3 Chestertown MD Wm. Richmond 48 June 11 Charlie Doram Chestertown MD Charlie Doram Cardiac Nephritis
Frank Cromwell Chestertown MD Chestertown MD C. C. Snyder 51 June 14 Wm. Geo. Sullivan Stevensville MD Wm. Geo. Sullivan Acute Indigestion
Wilton Johnson 2504 D. Hill Ave. 2504 D Hill Ave B. W. Hatcher 27 June 19 Hazel Johnson 2504 D. Hill Ave. Hazel Johnson Pulmonary Phthisis
Lucinda Johns Wheeler 1228 Jefferson St. 1228 Jefferson St J. Edw. Fisher 66 June 18 Mamie Johns 1227 Jefferson St. Mamie Johns Apoplexy
Clara Hillard Enfield NC Enfield NC P. W. Joyner 52 June 3 Gertrude Hale 1791 W. Lamrale St. Gertrude Hale Fibrosis Fever
Maggie McIntyre Kittrell NC Kitrell NC J. S. Albington 40 May 5 Lillie Bethune 409 Vicks Alley Wilson NC Lillie Bethune Bronchi Neck
Catherine Reid 1220 N. Central Ave. John Hopkins Hospt. Paul Schenker 39 June 14 Christine Spemmell 1220 N. Central Ave. Chritien Spemmell Bulletmand of Intestine
Alice Worthington 2125 Division Good Shepherd Hospt A. L. 72 June 19 Effie Carr 2125 Division St. Effie Carn Generalized Debrility
Margaret Ball Kilmarnick VA Kilmarnick VA M. C. Norris 42 May 7 Christine Ball 1361 N. Gilmore St. Christine Ball Cerebral Hemmorhage
Douglas Marshall 106 Hughes St. John Hopkins Hospt P. Schenker 40 May 25 Julia Marshall Soller Point Rd. Julia Marshall Lobar Pneumonia
Henry Howard 825 W. Franklin St. 825 W. Franklin St. J. R. Casey 49 June 19 Mary Thompson 825 W. Franklin St. Mary Thompson Lobar Pneumonia

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